Bushwa Expanse Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil

Bushwa Expanse (Bush WAH)

the Violent Sea


The Bushwa Expanse is the open ocean between the Western Reach of Ethae (Anbar) and the distant minor continent of Na Boon. It is where the fridged waters of the Piercing Ocean meet the warm waters of the Cota Ocean, making it one of the most dangerous seas of all Aldern. Storms are common. Giant rogue waves and whirlpools form and vanish often across the Expanse, even when weather above is calm.


The waters below the surface are just as dangerous. Currents flow fast throughout the Expanse, pushing and dragging smaller sea life along. Only the largest creatures of the deep dwell here. Though no confirmed sights have ever been reported, Kraken are believed to dominate this underwater world of monsters. If the weather and waves do not sink ships traveling across the Bushwa Expanse, the large predators will, looking for an easy meal.



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