Kraken Species in Aldern | World Anvil


Warrior of Ilu


Kraken are tentacled creatures of the deep ocean. According to legend, these creatures were a primeval horror created by the Aggoles to contend with the Dragon of the Aggelomachy. After the wars end the krakens fled into the deep oceans. Through the ages these creatures dwelt in the deep of the Cota Ocean waiting for the call of their master's return.


Krakens are more myth than truth in the minds of most, so rarely are they seen. History has forgotten, or failed to record the many coastal cities that have vanished as a kraken as pulled their city under the waves. Ships traveling the Cota may find calm waters turn to inky black and turbulent moments before the tentacle pulls it down into the depths. It is good that krakens are so rare as to not be believed. Should these creatures return to the surface world, sea travel and trade would end. As would most civilizations along every coast of the Cota.


The central Cota Ocean is relatively shallow, as ocean go. This gives the islands of these region of Cota a reprieve of kraken attacks. Though the creature can, and does, swim these waters they prefer deeper oceans. As such, krakens are usually found in the farther north and south regions of the Cota. The Salt Salt Sea south of Uluru has the only known confirmed kraken. It lairs down in the depths of that sea. In the north the Bushwa Expanse is believed to be kraken waters as well, though no confirmed sights have been reported. It is believed however, that the creatures rules the waters deep below the waves. Sightings may not be reported, but few survive seeing one of these creatures. Ships vanish in the expanse often enough for the sailors of that sea to fear the creature.


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