Capedian Ethnicity in Aldern | World Anvil

Capedian (CAP ee dean)

the People of Old Capedo


Capedians were the Humans of the ancient city-state of Old Capedo that reigned over western Novyum and most of the Islands of the Piercing Ocean during the Valmon Age. Today, many of the island folk throughout the seas west of Novyum trace their ancestry to Capedo and claim themselves as Capedian.


Early in Capedo's history the Capedian people consisted of only those who were citizens of the city itself. This changed over time, as Capedo influence spread, first including the other mainland cities under Capedo's rule, and later to all dwelling on the islands of the Capedian Sea as well.


Capedians were known as philosophers and scholars. The city itself said to be filled with many libraries full of scrolls of all sorts, shipped from all corners of their influence. Their influence spread their writing method, the Capedian Alphabet, so thoroughly that is still in common use in the modern day throughout Ethae.


While sea travel had been in practice in the ages before their rise, many consider the Capedians 'fathers of sails', claiming, falsely, that the Capedians were the inventors of sails and sea trade. While this is untrue, the Capedians did rediscover and advance many ancient sailing techniques allowing them to spread so quickly across their seas. All this despite of being an inland city.


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