Dark Era in Aldern | World Anvil

Dark Era

the Last Half of the Lakorthian Age

5500sc - 6000sc


The Dark Era is a term used by scholars to describe the time in Ethae history after the failing of Lakorth. It is a roughly five-hundred-year period that was marked by economic, intellectual and cultural decline. The time is plagued by endless warfare as petty warlords try to carve a kingdom of their own and trying to bring Novyum under their control. Magic is said to have been at its weakest point in history, with magic-users rounded up and burnt at the stake. Non Human races are viewed in many cultures as abomination in the eyes of God and hunted. Illness and dieses spread rampantly across the lands.

Though there is no consensus to any exact dating to this time, the generally accepted records claim 5500sc to 6000sc. As the Novyum Age begins the ideas of education and the arts resurface and spread from the few remaining strongholds of knowledge on the continent. This brings an end to the Dark Era.

Dark Era


5500sc - Agreed Beginning Date


6000sc - Agreed Ending Date


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