Novyum Age in Aldern | World Anvil

Novyum Age

the Reign of Novya

-- Valmon Age -- Lakorthian Age -- Novyum Age -- Unnamed Future Age

6000 sc - 7200 sc


The Dark Era came to an end with the Lakorthian Age transitioning into the Novyum Age in 6000sc. Though it’s legacy had lasting effect, and the city of the central Novyum remained, Lakorth had vanished as a political power through the Dark Era of Ethae. In its place a new nation rose. Or rather several nations united with dreams of rekindling the old Lakorth glory. Something it achieved to arguably mixed effect. This united Novyum quickly, some scholars say to quickly, recovered much of the old Lakorthian territory, forging a ‘new age’ for the people of Ethae. This new 'nation', however, a much more militate and aggressive nation, forcing submission rather than the old ways of assimilation through alliances and cultural trade. Novyum could not sustain its aggressive growth and crumbling under its own weigh within a few centuries. While a united Novyum on paper still exists and its borders cover much of the Northern Reach, the reality is that the nation it little more than clusters of waring nobles, each working to expand their territories, each hoping to claim control of Novyum. In the Jerain the heritage of northern invaders has carved out the Kingdom of Marras, control much of the south. While in the Anbar, centuries of resisting the invasive nations of Lakorth and Novyum has left a fractured land of petty kingdoms with little in common beyond a fierce independent spirit.

Novyum Age


6000 - the Dark Era ends

6100sc - Tobia League Founded

6119sc - Yrach Join the Tobia League

6666sc - Tolen Soter Crowned King

Events with no given date


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