Dridden Dergon Language in Aldern | World Anvil

Dridden Dergon

Southern Dergon


Dridden Dergon, commonly called Dridden by most, is the native tongue of the Dridden people of Southern Jerain. Like most of the Dergon dialects of Ethae, Dridden originated from Viakagi invaders that settled in the land. Dridden Dergon has remained the most unchanged of the dialects over the centuries, though like most languages have evolved to match the times, picking up words and sounds for the natives around them. Since the founding of Kingdom of Marras, Dridden Dergon has fallen out of use as the common tongue dominates the land. Dridden is still taught by the native Dridden people, for use within the family, though this trend is slowly dying away. Few none Dridden speak the language.


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