Viakagi Military Formation in Aldern | World Anvil

Viakagi (VHI ah kah gee)

Raiders of Cota


The Viakagi were a loose coalition of raiders, traders, and settlers originating from the major continent of Dergonhad that spread across the Cota Ocean, as far as Ethae. Its earliest roots were in a multicultural effort of the Dagmon to explore the islands of the Cota Ocean and conquer the nations of Ethae. While those early efforts saw results, time and homeland conflicts, transformed the original Viakagi armies of the early years, into small raiding parties, and eventually diplomats in the final years the Viakagi Era.


The harsh and deadly interior of Dergonhad saw the development of largest dagmon nations on the relatively safe coastal regions early in Human existence on the major continent. These peoples developed an expertise in sailing and navigation, giving rise to a skill in open ocean travel. When these sailors crossed Cota and discovered Ethae it created an opportunity for the warring nations of Dergonhad. Instead of fighting over resources and territory they agreed to focus their energy in a new direction. A peace among the nations was negotiated and the invasion coalition was created, the Viakagi.


The unity didn't last, with some of the coalition forces fighting each other even before the invaders landed on Ethae. Though most of the first incursions were successful, establishing long term beachheads and bringing loot to the homelands, alliances continually shifted on Dergonhad, causing tension between units in the armies. This did not detour future raiding and invading, however. For the next two and a half centuries the western coast of Ethae would suffer annual seasonal raids. Over time the people of Ethae became better at resisting this, and by the start of the Novyum Age Ethae had become good at repelling the Viakagi. This became easier each year as the raider's numbers become small and small. By 6060sc the Viakagi Era was at an end. Dagmon ships crossing the Cota Ocean came for trade rather than for raiding. Those Viakagi living in the conquered lands saw Ethae as more home than the continent on the other side of the world. Some even fighting Viakagi themselves.

  Today Viakagi is a word used to put images of unstoppable raiders and pillagers. Over half an age has passed since the last Viakagi landed on the shores of Ethae, but the term can still frighten small villages and terrify novice soldiers. "The Viakagi are coming."
Raiding parties


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