Dwarvish Language in Aldern | World Anvil




Kephic, Kephic Waten, or more commonly to the uneducated simply Dwarvish, It was the high language of the Dwarf people and their Kephic Empire. Originally spoken by the northern clans of the Cutting Mountains, and spread merchants that had contact with the Human of Novyum. This helped it become the dominant dwarven language of the people as they spread across the continent.


Ahe - Gold (ore)

Ahlin - Gold (smelted)

Ai - The

Aladin - Glory

Alagan - Valor

Aorde - (the) World

Araglor - Sea (surface)

Aragwar - Sea (underground)

Aule - God (Alu)

Azan - Dark/Darkness

Barak - Shield

Baraknor - Protect

Baraz - Red

Bark - Axe

Bedin - (a) Lie

Bedrum - (to) Lie

Beldurak - Liar

Barakum - Passage

Bizard - Dale

Bunad - Head

Calas - Thief

Choral - Kill

Chorlar - Murder

Dad - Father

Dala - Treasure

Daurl - Daughter

Delik - Strong

Deladar - Descend

Delver - Dig

Dor - Iron

Dormak - Anvil

Drun - Settlement (surface)

Duban - Valley (mountain)

Dumtum - Cavern (natural)

Drugarn - Dragon

Endar - (the) Night Below

Eroth - Ground

Fearm - Home

Felak - Tool

Gabel - Great

Gabil - Large

Gathol - Fortress

Get - Waste

Grout - Stone

Gund - Cave

Gunud - Settlement (underground)

Halor - Gift

Harm - Hammer

Huld - Hill

Hurfar - Giant

Hurmon - Human

Hurn - Pay/Payment

Inbar - Horn

Jarf - Idiot

Karlof - Food

Kelad - Mirror

Kibil - Silver

-kyn (suffix) - Kingdom

Lahral - Danger

Makef - Record

Mazakef - Library

Mim - Weak

Mirim - Climb

Mordin - Mountain

Neg'av - South

Neg'arav - Southern

Nargal - Black

Noror - Enemy

Nulu - River

Qued'arav - Eastern

Qued'am - East

Rilah - Pillar (natural)

Rilok - Pillar (artificial)

Rim - Sky

Skura - Orc

Sulron - Fall

Tis'afon - North

Tis'arav - Northern

Tumtum - Cavern (artificial)

Turg - Beard

Tyn - Field

Ul - Stream

Undu - Beneath

Uzbad - Ruler

Yam'am - West

Yam'arav - Western

Zaram - Lake

Zirak - Peak


Anvil - Dormak

Axe - Bark

Beard - Turg

Beneath - Undu

Black - Nargal

Cave - Gund

Cavern (artifical) - Tumtum

Cavern (natural) - Dumtum

Climb - Mirim

Dale - Bizard

Danger - Lahral

Dark/Darkness - Azan

Daughter - Daurl

Descend - Deladar

Dig - Delver

Dragon - Drugarn

East - Qued'am

Eastern - Qued'arav

Enemy - Noror

Fall - Sulron

Father - Dad

Field - Tyn

Food - Karlof

Fortress - Gathol

Giant - Hurfar

Gift - Halor

Glory - Aladin

God (Alu) - Aule

Gold (ore)- Ahe

Gold (smelted) - Ahlin

Great - Gabel

Ground - Eroth

Hammer - Harm

Head - Bunad

Hill - Huld

Home - Fearm

Horn -Inbar

Human - Hurmon

Idiot - Jarf

Iron - Dor

Kill - Choral

Kingdom - Kyn (suffix)

Lake - Zaram

Large - Gabil

Library - Mazakef

Liar - Beldurak

(a) Lie - Bedin

(to) Lie - Bedrum

Long - Sigin

Mirror - Kelad

Mountain - Mordin

Murder - Chorlar

(the) Night Below - Endar

North - Tis'afon

Northern - Tis'arav

Orc - Skura

Passage - Berakum

Pay/Payment - Hurn

Peak - Zirak

Pillar (artifical) - Rilok

Pillar (natural) - Rilah

Protect - Baraknor

Record - Makef

Red - Baraz

River - Nulu

Ruler - Uzbad

Sea (surface) - Araglor

Sea (underground) - Aragwar

Settlement (underground) - Gunud

Settlement (surface) - Drun

Shield - Barak

Silver - Kibil

Sky - Rim

South - Neg'av

Sothern - Neg'arav

Stream - Ul

Stone - Grout

Strong - Delik

The - Ai

Thief - Calas

Tool - Felak

Treasure - Dala

Valley (mountain) - Duban

Valor - Alagan

Waste - Get

Weak - Mim

West - Yam'am

Western - Yam'arav

(the) World - Aorde

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