
Kyn is a suffix in the Dwarvish language translated to 'kingdom of' by Human scholars. An example is Yamakyn can be translated 'Kingdom of West". It should be noted that Dwarf themselves will often translate -kyn into the Common Tongue as 'fortress.'

A kyn is a region of the Kephic Empire that is often a satilite nation, seperate from the heart of the empire in the Cutting Mountains. It is made up of two or more clans that have come together to contol the region. Each kyn is ruled by a 'king' elected among the people. This is where the term kingdom has cropped up in translations. While this king is autonomous and rules is nation as he see's fit, as any human king might, dwarven culture is not the same. A dwarven king can be removed from office by a vote from his subjects. He is also still suject as vassal to the Kephic Empire and traditions of the people. Though independent, and sometimes isolated, a person traveling from the Cutting Mountains nations to any kyn will find a near identical culture and way of life. The banner of the Kephic Empire will always be raised next to the banner of any kyn.


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