Farland Elvish Language in Aldern | World Anvil

Farland Elvish

Sebludai (seb LA die)


The most common of the Elf tongues in Tinjir. It is considered the oldest, along with Artadai High Elvish), of the elf tongues in continued use through the millennia. Sebludai was believed to have predated Seva Dai (Elvish Common) as a language that can be shared to communicate with non-elves. With Seva Dai being much easier for human to learn it spread quickly across Ethae, and beyond, while Sebludai became the major language of western Anbar, and primarily Tinjir, partly in thanks to its use in Zalpula during that elven kingdom's reign.


As stated above, in modern Tinjir this is the most common elvish tongue. It is used by most younger elves to communicate with each other as much as any other race. It is only the older generations or the scholastic inclined that study Artadai.

Game Note: Must have an intelligence of at least 11+ to learn this language.


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