Forlorn Ethnicity in Aldern | World Anvil


Dread Goblin


Dwelling on the Mhar Ni Buron peninsula off the west coast Anbar, Forlorn are a strange breed of Goblin, in that they are not bred at all, but rather created. The original creator of these beasties is lost to history. As is the creation process, whether this forgotten creator unlocked the origins of the goblin species or if a new method was invented. It is also unknown if this original creator mastered the modern method of creating new Forlorn or if that was the goblins themselves. But it is known that the current ritual is not the same as the original.


The modern Forlorn are created through a ritual of dark Magic, torture, and the draining of the victim's blood, replacing it with goblin blood. A Human must be used in this ritual, which transforms them into a Forlorn. Individual Forlorn drain vials of their own blood throughout the year, saving it for the ritual that is performed annually. The months before this ritual the goblins leave their lands to raid for victims. Their targets are usually children, as they are easier to catch and keep control of. Male or female means nothing to the goblins, they take what they can. The completion of the ritual sees a new creature born, the Forlorn, memories of its past life a shadow in the back if its head. The only solid memory left is the pain of the ritual. Madness fills them with hateful jealousy for what humans have that they cannot remember wanting.


Forlorn do not mate or reproduce as other races. Though due to their origins their bodies will reflect the sex of the victim. Sometime this ritual transformation is botched and some of the victim's old life remains inside the mind of the goblin. Whisps of what could have been come to them at time. A longing for a life they no longer remember. This can result in the goblin falling into an obsessive love with a human they encounter. Forlorn are known to stalk their obsessions. Their desire is to serve and protect that person, but their twisted nature often means it ends fatally for the human or those around them.


The Forlorn are short creatures, standing between three to four feet tall. Unlike others of their kind that often have green skin, the Forlorn skin remains the tone of the victim of the creation ritual. Their hair, if it does not completely fall out, nearly always drains of its color, becoming a grey or white. Their eye's color also drain away, becoming little more than a pale reflection of the colors they once there. Unlike most goblins, Forlorn prefer clothing. An echo of their former life perhaps.


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