Goblin Species in Aldern | World Anvil




Goblins are by far the most baffling sapient creature of all Ethae, if not Aldern itself. These little people are common across the continent, but are often hidden and rare to see. They are vastly diverse in their nature, abilities, alignment, social structure, and environments. Whenever the Jenuwan Order has believed it has created the difinitive definition of what a goblin is, a new group appear crushing the notion.


Goblins are, first and foremost, creatures of Magic, often compared to Fairy. Like fairies their origin is believed to be mystical, created by a supernature force of nature. Legends claim the fairies to be products of the Elder Trees. The creator, or creators, of the goblins are as yet unknown. But believed to be a dark entity, the antithesis of the trees.


There is a deep connection between goblins and the lands they dwell. These creatures never leave their homelands. Like all things with goblins, however, this varies in degrees between ethnic groups. The Broonie of Southern Jerain wither into mossy mounds if the travel north or west, beyond the Cutting Mountains, and vanish into vapors if they move even a few miles off the shores of their lands. Others goblin kinds can move freely from place to place with no ill effect but are biologically wired to loath the idea, violently fighting any attempts to move away from their homeland. Then there are those like the Coblyn of Novyum that seem to enjoy travel and seeing new lands.


In general, goblins appear as short, often grotesque, humanoid monsters. The skin is usually grey and/or green, often tight around bony and muscular bodies. Big, pointed ears and noses are a prominent feature among their kind.


It seems that the term 'goblin', or 'goblyn' is masculine, with females often call 'goblette'. Young goblin are usually refered to as 'gobling'.


All goblins speak a strange language known as Gobbledygook. The language seems to have no similarities to other known languages and is instinctively known to a goblin from their birth. With a few exceptions, most goblins never bother learning other races language.

Known Goblin Types:

Blue Coble of the seas and oceans.

Broonie of Southern Jerain

Coblyn of Novyum

Forlorn of Mhar Ni Buron

Garl of the Thorn Horn

Red Coble of the the Heartlands

Articles under Goblin


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