Green Dragon Species in Aldern | World Anvil

Green Dragon

Forest Dragon


Native to the thick forests of Jerain, on the major continent of Ethae, green dargons are, for the most part, smaller other Dragon kind. Their scales are tubercle rather than plates, giving them more agility to move and twist through their forests. Their longer legs and neck aid in this movement along the ground, and helps the creature remain stealthy in foliage. It also provides them the ability to stand, peaking their heads above the treetops with little exposer. Though winged like all dragon kind, greens rarely take flight, only using this ability as a last resort for escape. The more common use of these wings is for posturing, spreading their wings to intimidate foes or try to impress others of their kind.


Beyond their scale color, green dragons are distinguishable from other dragons by the frill that runs down their back. This frill is widest near the head and usually, though not always, tapers off by the time it reaches the tail. Greens lack the horns that many dragons sport but do often have long sharp scale growths around their head.


According to dragonic mythology seven dragons birthed from Aldern herself in the Time of Aterleg. Of these two traveled to the Western Reach of Ethae, two to the Northern Reach, and two to the Southern. The last dragon had no mate and remained where they were created. For the most part, this is where the creation story ends for the other dragons. For the greens however, this is only the beginning. The lone dragon, whose name is lost to history (because the greens don't really care), give his seed to Aldern to spawn his own dragons. These were the first green dragons. It is also why the green dragons are considered true dragons as they are born of their own seeded eggs and not created from other dragons' eggs, like the other chromatics.


Green dragons' dwell, and have always dwelt, in Monanad, the Great Jungle of the South. As their origin myth implies, they see themselves as different to other dragons, half dragon and half divine spirit of the world itself. Unlike other dragons, greens embrace the Magic of the world, especially Daanan. They had no part in Dragonfall and the destruction of Karasaanu. This should not imply benevolence, however. These would have gladly joined the attack to destroy the elves to gain more control over the magics of the world.


Territorial creatures, green carve out a domain within their forest or jungle. This grows thick and overgrown with vegetation. It is a region of the forest that is under the complete control of the dragon. Rodents and birds that remain within their domain come under control of the green, reporting all they see to their master dragon. Plants and soil shift and move at the dragon's command to disorient travels. The hazy mists that drifts through most southern foresst are corrupted by the dragon, becoming nauseous. making it difficult to breath. The oldest of their kind can even turn this to outright poison.


Greens have a passion for intrigue and cunning. They enjoy enslaving lesser being, with many dominating every animal in their forest. Though weaker in a physical fight than other dragons, they make up for it in patient manipulation. Some scholars of dragon kind claim that had the greens been closer to civilizations in the past, the dragon-worshipping nations they would have forged would have surpassed even Ancient Siduum.


This lust for manipulation even goes into their hunting style. Green will stalk their prey for days or weeks, learning every strength and weakness. This even goes for prey that is far weaker. They prefer to guide the meal into their mouths rather than pounce and eat.


In confrontations green will try to negotiate with stronger adversaries. This will last only until they find a weakness to exploit. Any deals and alliances struck will be meet with treachery as soon as their goal is achieved. Greens have no problem bragging about their acts of betrayal. Whoever trust a green deserved to get what is coming to them in the dragons mind.


The greens may be the most feared by dragon-hunters. Not because of their physical prowess, but because of their cunning. The green will know when a hunter arrives, they will watch, wait and play games. It is never a direct fight with the greens. These games may well be the dragon's greatest weakness. Skilled hunters that know this, have been able to play the victim to luring the dragon into feeling of dominance and superiority. But hunters be warned, many find the green has been playing along to draw the foe into a its own sense of superiority before the fall.


Mating is a contradiction of everything known about green dragons. Solitary creatures that do not trust other, especially their own kind, green dragons have a deep bond with their mates. Many look to their origin myth for clarity, a solo creature looking for a mate. Others claim it a clue to the loneliness of a manipulative creature that knows its cannot trust or be trusted. Their mating ritual is crass with neither caring much for anything but carnal pleasure. This changes once a female is impregnated. At this point she will initiate a courtship with the male. If the male accepts and the two get beyond the inevitable schemes, a strong bond is formed. This grows stronger with the nest creation for the eggs. An egg is laid in the fourth month and hatches at sixteen months. Both parents remain close to the young dragon, even protecting it with their lives.


The wyrmling will remain with its parents for around half a century, growing and learning. It will then go off and find its own way or die. At this point the parents will go their separate ways, the bond between them lost.


When a green dragon dies the ground around it flourishes with life. Ferns, scrubs, moss, and often toxic plants quickly grow over the corpse. A Finno Tree will then begin to grow from its heart. It will consume the corpse of its dragon over the century after, growing to great heights.


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