Dragon Species in Aldern | World Anvil


The Great Wyrms of the Sky


Legendary winged creatures from the dawn of time, dragons are one of the apex creatures of Aldern. Highly intelligent dragons once reigned as gods in many old-world lands, including Ancient Siduum. The cave painting, from before the written word was put to page, depict early dragons with the features we know today, wings, four legs, horns, etc. However, this art is simple with no descriptions of what these giants were like. It is clear from these paintings that dragons were much more common in the prehistory period. This is supported as writing became more common, with accounts of dragons continuing to be abundant in the early ages. There are few descriptions of their appearance however, making it clear the authors of these works seemed to understand that their readers know well what a dragon looked like. Some oral traditions imply that the concept of dragon types based on their colors is not something that existed to the ancients.


Unlike most creatures of the world, there are few accounts surviving of the origins of dragons. The most commonly accepted belief is that dragons were living in the Time of Aterleg, long before the beginning of history. Dragons' own mythology claims seven dragons flew forth from the womb of Aldern herself, fully formed by the heat at the heart of the world. Mated, two flew north, two west, and two south. The seventh dragon stayed at the heart of their creation with no mate to claim. These first dragons, be it from the myth, evolution, or some other means of creation, were believed to have brown scales. While most of the dragon types claim their own as the first, there is a reluctant understanding that the three main Ethae dragons, bronze, copper, and brass, all have common ancestors among them. Some even go so far as claiming the gold dragons of Dergonhad must shares this ancestor as well. If there is any semblance of truth to their mythic origin it would explain much. The early dragons and over time their descendant's brown scale developed the metallic shine of the modern dragons. Each of the three, copper, brass, and bronze developing and 'evolved' separately in their own Reaches of Ethae, north, west, and south, respectively.


Dragon's mastery of the Anon (Magic) is matched only by the ancient Fey'are. A rivalry between the two led to the arrogant Elf overlooking the greedy dragon's lust for power. Dragons, usually solitary creatures, united to attack the Areian Nations to bring down elves and their Daanan power. In Dragonfall, the entirety of the forest Karasaanu burned, destroying the areian homeland and much of their source of power. In the centuries and millennia that followed the elves have sought revenge, driving their hated foes to near extinction.


As stated above, dragons are identified into subspecies by their scale colors. Bronze, brass, and copper of Ethae, along with the golds and silvers of Dergonhad, are considered true or natural dragons. The true dragons are born of their parents, hatched from an egg and live their life as a dragon of their type. Over the ages, other colors have appeared, created through magic and dark rituals. These 'evolved' dragons, often called 'corrupted' or 'created' by others of their own kind, lose the metallic sheen of their scales, having a more chromatic color based on the method the dragon is created.


Today, dragons are more myth than fact. They do still exist in the world, but only those strong enough to fight off attacks, or cunning enough to hide effectively, striking out only when conditions are right. Cults of dragon worshippers still exists as well, some servants of true dragons, others worshiping the corpse of long dead monsters.


Dragons by Type:

True Dragons - the Metallics

Brass, Bronze, and Copper: Natives to Ethae, it is believed that the brass, bronze, and copper dragons are the true dragons of the continent. Many historians believe that all other dragons are the corrupted offspring of these originals. Brass, Bronze, and Copper dragons dwell in Anbar, Jerain, and Novyum, respectively. As with most other types of dragons, the metallics have been driven to near extinction by the elves. Though the elves have waned from these hunts in recent years, as many modern elves have developed a guilt over their ancestors' treatment of the metallics, making strides for peace. These dragons remain cautious, however. The few that remain often hide in place sight, transformed into humans or concealing in hidden lairs, only venturing out when the know they will be unseen.

Gold and Silver: Myth states the golds and silvers dragons were created at the same time as the Ethae dragons, but on Dergonhad instead. Silvers dwell in Dergonhad's central mountains, while golds make the great lakes of their continent home.

Green Dragon: Green dragons are a strange breed. Though generally chromatic and not metallic in color, they considered by all to be true dragons. Natives of Jerain, the greens make the thick untamed forest of Monanad theirs. While the greens of Pemplum's Labyrinth are the cunning, deadly dragons of reports, those that roam the forest beyond have become more animalistic predators than their Pemplum kin. Their remote domain, far from most populated nations, leaves the greens largely forgotten today.

Evolved Dragons - the Chromatics

Black: Only one black dragon is known to exist, Pakhanga, the Black Death. Sightings always put him in Tinjir. This monster is the most feared of all dragons. Ancient and powerful beyond any alive today, Pahkanga may still live somewhere in the Farlands, but he hasn't been seen in a hundred years. Scholars believe that black dragons are created when a dragon egg is incubated and hatched in a Shadowfell.

Blue: While some cradle-tales tell of blue dragons flying over the Desert of Anbar, no sighting ever been recorded, either in modern or ancient times. Most of these stories being attributed to Pakhanga's black scales reflected bluish when the light of the day is just right.

Red: Red dragons once ruled Ancient Siduum and the skies above the Cutting Mountains. They are often called 'the masters of destruction' in the north. They are also the most well-known of dragon kind, with reds ruling ancient nations and depicted in epic tales of knights defeating them. Today, however, reds are nearly extinct, hunted and hated by the elves more than any other dragon. Some survive, dwelling in hidden Novyum mountains lairs. Most reds alive in the modern day are a far cry from their ancestors, driven mad and more animalistic. Their cults have only pushed them farther along this path of madness, with most reds now serving their priests, rather than act as gods to these followers. Red dragons are created by bathing dragon eggs in the lava of Giru Mountain, and other volcanos. According to scholars, the hues of the red in their scales marking which volcano they were born to.

White: Native to, and only found on, the northern continent of Aquilo, white dragons are little more than intelligent animals. They have largely been ignored by elven hunters, as whites were never involved in Dragonfall. The natives of Na Boon, however, do hunt these deadly beasts for honor and prestige. White dragons were originally created some time in the ancient past by taking dragon eggs to the frozen north pole of the world. In the modern-day white dragons can lay their own eggs, the only evolved dragon that can do so.

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