Finno Tree Species in Aldern | World Anvil

Finno Tree (fee NO)

Green's Tree


Though considered a relative to the Umu Tree and Ama Tree, Finno trees are a different species all together. It is easy to see why there is a misunderstanding. The finno stand as tall as, if not taller than, the umu and ama. As with the umu and ama, flora life flourishes in the region around the trees, quickly growing and tangling the land. But that is where the similarities end. Where the ama and umu amplify the natural light of the sun, mist and shadow prevail in the lands of the finno. In the forest of those Elf trees the Anon (Magic) holds sway, while in the forest of the finno it is weak, corrupted, and wildly unpredictable. These trees bleed corrosive sap when cut, harmless to the plant life but destructive to the flesh of other creatures. The buds of new growth in the trees heights emanate fumes when broken, poisoning any breathing it in. Corpses at the forest floor below the trees decay faster than normal, seemingly melting into the ground in a few nights. It is as if the tree itself wants to kill and consume all animal life.


Finno trees are found throughout Monanad, the central jungle of Jerain. This is especially true in Pemplum's Labyrinth and its surrounding environments. Finno do not grew from seed, but from the corpses of an adult green Dragon. Where a green has fallen, a tree will grow, taking a little over a century to reach maturity. Green dragons, immune to the corrosive sap and poison gases often use them as their lairs. This is esepcially true if that particular green caused the death of the dragon who's corpse the tree grew from, a morbid trophy throne for the victor.


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