Heroic Era Myth in Aldern | World Anvil

Heroic Era

the Time of Heroes

3400sc - 3900sc


While one can argue, and most likely be correct, that a historian can take any 500-year period of Ethae history and call it a heroic era, the dates between 3400sc and 3900sc have fall into history as perhaps one of the greatest periods of heroic deeds recorded. This era, starting at the end of the Kephic Age and transitioning into the early Valmon Age is one of the most mythologized periods in history. Be it epic poems in libraries worldwide, cradle-tales told to children, or theater troupes' performances across the continent, it is said that every day at least one of the many tales of the Heroic Era is being shared.


What put this era apparent in the minds of cultures across the land is most likely a combination of several factors. Perhaps it was the last era of the high old world before the Black Collapse, with those dwelling in that dark era remembering the deeds of the past in hope. Perhaps it was the skill of storytellers and bards that followed, putting to words tales that resonated with all who heard. Generation after generation relating to the flaws of the heroes and still looking to their great deeds with aspiration. Others feel it is far simpler, pointing out that the Heroic Era dates match closely to the days of Zalpula, with many of the heroes of the time coming out of, or traveling to, the last true elven nations. Whatever the case, the legends of the Heroic Era have stood the test of time and live on in the modern day as inspiration to a new generation of heroes.

Heroic Era Events


3400sc - Agreed Beginning Date

3534sc - City if Thapoddo Founded

3620sc - Kingdom of Zalpula Founded

3628sc - City Kusraddo founded

3705sc - Kusraddo destroyed


3900sc - Agreed Ending Date


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