Thapoddo Settlement in Aldern | World Anvil

Thapoddo (THEY pod oh)

the Ruins in the Riverlands

  Sitting on an artificial island in the middle of the Redhand River, about 25 miles upriver from Tomaton, the ruins of Thapoddo, capital of the lost Elf kingdom of Zalpula, can still be seen to the modern day. That said, not much of this city remains after over three thousand years of history. Elven archeologists cleared the site in the early Novyum Age, rebuilding its roads and clearing the muck and rubble from the building foundations. Much of what is found today are newer stones laid during these elves' efforts to mimic the old structures bases and locations.

Founded in 3534sc, and named for Thapon a Soun'are hero from the ancient nation of Zapula, the city is said to be built on the site of a battle between elven warriors and Anthealglas the Ever Hungry. Thapon and his father Enzero died at the site driving off the Dragon. Akavia, Enzero's sister built the city on the site in honor of Thapon, hailing him the hero of Zalpula and savoir of his people. Though lost to history, legends are that a great bronze statue of Thapon entangled with Anthealglas in battle once towered over the city and riverlands.


Travelers making their way through the Toemanshire riverlands often use the Thapoddo island as a first- or second-night campsite out of Tomaton. If pushed, it takes an average of 11 hours to reach Thapoddo from Tomaton on the road south, though most will arrive at it midday on their second day of casual travel. Largely made entirely of stone, little vegetation grows beyond moss, short grasses, and shrubbery.



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