Hyoga Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil

Hyoga (HI og a)

the Hyoga Ice Sheet


Hyoga is a large ice sheet directly north of Na Boon, connected to the greater ice sheet that covers the entire north of Aldern. While Hyoga’s exact dimensions are unclear, with different claims by most, its northern border is defined as roughly fifty miles north of its coastal cliffs.


Hyoga is known to be one of the most stable regions of Aquilo. The ice is thick, nearly two miles at its core, the thickest coastal ice of the continent. Meteorite and large deposits of blue ice are scattered along its surface, as well as deep within, giving the region a somewhat unique appearance compared with the rest of the ice sheets of the north. Hyoga is also the location of Korianto, a permanent Na Boon settlement.


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