Korianto Settlement in Aldern | World Anvil

Korianto (KOR e ant O)

the Crystal Cavern


Korianto is a fortress town built inside a natural cavern in the Hyoga ice sheet on its coast of Aquilo, north of Na Boon. Beginning as a small outpost, near the beginning of the Novyum, Korianto was little more than an unnamed shelter in the ice for its early history as explorers trying to learn more of Aquilo. As the tradition of the Kito Kari emerged, the outpost began growing into a town with a hunting lodge at its heart. Though to call it a true town is overstating the matter. There is rarely more than 100 people permanently in Korianto as residence dwelling year-round.

While winter on the surface of Aquilo is deadly to humans, the Korianto cavern stays a consistent temperature year-round. Cold, but tolerable to people. This effect is partly natural, but as been augmented with the used of alchemy, enchantments, and white dragon bones. The later ground up and mixed with salt water, creating ice as strong as stone, that doesn’t melt unless purposefully heated. This concoction is what many of the supports of Korianto are constructed from. The interiors being lined with wood to aid insolation for the residence. Over the years, the entire cavern that houses Korianto has been ‘painted’ with a think layer of the bone/water mix helping to reinforce the integrity of the space and create a more tolerable temperature for dwelling without weakening the structure due to melting ice.

Outpost / Base


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