Aquilo Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil

Aquilo (A kwil O)

Ezutu, the Cap of the World


Known as Ezutu to the ancients, the northern pole of Aldern has little land, consisting of a great cloud covered icy sheets atop a deep ocean. What little land can be found are rocks trapped in the ice, dragged there long ago by natural and unnatural forces. Some of these jut out of the ice, jagged and sharp, others little more than shadows deep below. It is unknown how deep the ice is, fissures and cracks the size of canyons form and vanish it to the ice over time, never showing signs of the ocean below. Some of fissures form into deep freshwater lakes, only to be frozen over and vanish becoming one with the ice again.


Small outposts built on the thick ice can be found along southern edges, inhabited by seafarers, explorers and pirates. Many of these settlements only last a short time before disappearing again. Be it by abandonment, disappearing beneath the ice, or attacked by the white Dragons that dwell deep in the misty shadowland of the northern ice cap. Korianto, a fortress built into the Hyoga ice sheet, due north from Na Boon is the only true ‘settlement’ on the icy continent.


This settlement, Korianto hosts a centuries old tradition among the Na Boon elite. Those foolhardy enough to travel to Aquilo for the ‘Kito Kari' hunt the white dragons of the continent. The meat is a delicacy in Na Boon, with the rest of the dragon being used, down to and including the bones. The rarest prize is a dragon large enough to use its scales in armor. Seeing a samurai in white dragon scale armor on the field can end a battle before it begins.


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