Island of Uluru Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil

Island of Uluru (oo LOR oo)

the Withdrawn Island


Island of Uluru make up the center of the lesser continent of Uluru. The largest of the islands, its hilly, deep valleyed surface is covered in wild forest and scrublands. Hot springs create shallow rivers webbing across its central and southern regions, with monsoon often battering its northern coast during spring and fall months. It is an untamed land, left natural by the Yin’feri, with only Hopa Copa bay at its southern end sustaining any sort of settlement.

As with the rest of the islands that make of Uluru, travels are well advised to stay clear. Even short stops can prove deadly, creatures from the dawn of history stalk this island. A land of giant lizards and massive birdlike monsters. It is also the hunting grounds for the Yin’feri elves, and they are not friendly.


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