Lake Onam Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil

Lake Onam (OH nam)

the Sapphire Loch


One of the many lakes north of the Cutting Mountains and south of Lake Roic, Lake Onam and its surrounding terrain is a sight of beauty. The lake itself is a calm sapphire blue year around and unlike the other lakes of the region does not freeze over during winter. At the heart of the lake a lone island sits with great stone pillar reaching out of it, said to be the petrified remains of Elder Tree Onoma.

As beautiful as the lake is considered, the lands around it are extremely deadly, with toxic plant life growing wild and quickly. All attempts at fighting back nature have failed, with trees cut down seeming to regrow within weeks, and only days the closer one draws to the lake. These deadly plants only grow within fifty miles of the lake.



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