Onoma Myth in Aldern | World Anvil

Onoma (Oh NO mah)

Elder Tree Onoma, the Third Seed


Of the seven Elder Tree, Onoma is the most famous. At least for the people of Novyum. Through the early ages of people migrating into the Northern Reach of Ethae, Onoma was the earliest centers of civilization. According to legend, long before Old Capedo, longer still before Lakorth and Nopum, there was Onoma and the people it sheltered, the Dumid. These legends brought the common saying, 'Onoma was the heart of the Heartlands.'


Onoma's Narasan was the giant grizzly called Hamil. The animal stalked Onoma's lands watching. Vanishing when see, but always watching. A reminder to the people that their is a powerful force protecting them.


In the oldest tales of Novyum, Onoma's shade was home of the first civilizations of the reach. There at the base the early Dumid people came to live. They and the Fairy and Elf of the tree lived in harmony. Even as Gilgurth destroyed much of the rest of the world, there was a gentle fertile land within Onoma's Mantle that provided for its people.


In the decades prior to 4605sc a mysterious sickness spreads through the lands south of Lake Roic. Thought to originate from the Shadow, or Etu Enur, though never confirmed, this sickness corrupted plant and animal life, killing most. That which didn't die would be mutated into deadly abominations of their former self. Though its Mantle protected the tree and those within for some time, the fall came when Hamil was corrupted. The grizzly Narasan of Onoma entered the Mantle spreading the toxic Magic and assaulting the and killing the tree.


Today tavern tales of the petrified giant tree stump of Onoma are common. They say it stands on an unnamed island at the center of Lake Onam. This is rarely verified as the region remains deadly and avoided by most.

Narasan - Hamil, the Silver Bear


Fairy - The fairy of Onoma were called the 'fair folk'. It is of these fairies that the term was coined and spread to mean all fairies. The Onoma fairies were said to be deeply connected with human civilizations around them. Even so many ages later, the fairy is deeply associated with the cultures of the region, with many banners sporting fairy imagery. It is believed that some Omona fairies survive and live on Inage Island with the elves. These fairy had small colorful buterfly like wings.


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