Mount Lunghi Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil

Mount Lunghi

Mountain of the Edelweiss


Mount Lunghi is a mountain in the western arm of the Cutting Mountains. The peak stands at 13,155 feet. This height puts it well above the snowline, leaving it one of the mountains that have a permanent snow cap in the western arm of the range. A fact that adds to its mystique through history. Situated deep in the range, southeast of the Craddle Valley, the mountain has long been associated with Ancient Siduum mythology, especially in regards to their dragon lore.

The mountain is famous for the abundant Edelweiss flowers that grow throughout the region, but impartially on this mountain. While edelweiss may grow throughout the peaks of the Cutting Mountains, it can be difficult to find. Mount Lunghi, however, is covered with them during the summer and autumn months. These flowers often grow around natural caves, some of which have been known dragon lairs at some point in history. The most famous of which is Lunghi's Cavern on the eastern slopes.

Mountain / Hill

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