Mount Sessil Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil

Mount Sessil (Sas EL)

the Furnace of Riziabin


One of the two largest volcano on Ethae, along with Giru Mountain, Mount Sessil stands as the tallest at 13,000 feet. The mountain slowly grows each year a centimeter, until its top blows off roughly every twelve-hundred years. Some correlate the eruption to Juva's proximity to Aldern. While the eruptions do coincide with Juva being at its nearest point to Aldern during the Celestial Cycle, it is not known if that is a cause or a coincident. The mountain growth in known to have nothing to do with Juva. Local Dwarf know it to be a slow buildup of magma as it churns deep below. If Juva's gravity it what pushes the mountain over the edge to erupt, or it just a twist of nature that the two coincide may never be solved.


In legend the location of volcano is where Elder Tree Sessileg once grow. According to the mythology, the tree's roots grew too deep into Aldern, trying to reach down to the core of the world and the source of Kianon. In punishment, fire consumed Sessileg, with the tree's lands being forever cursed to burn eternal. A reminder of the folly of greed.


Mount Sessil is perhaps the greatest source of mineral resources in the world. The fiery mantle deep below churns metals and gems, pushing them up towards the surface. It is also the most dangerous mountain to mine on Aldern. Despite the dormant nature for most its cycle, this monster is very much alive below the surface. The heat below the surface is overwhelming to most. Cave-ins are frequent and tunneling into hidden lava tubes is common. Cursed or not most feel it is best to steer clear of the dangerous slopes and its tunnels.



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