Sessileg Myth in Aldern | World Anvil

Sessileg (Sas EL lag)

Elder Tree Sessileg, the Sixth Seed

Of the Elder Tree, Sessileg is perhaps the least known. Very few records speak of this tree. It is known to have grown in northern Novyum on the major continent of Ethae. Many believing the site was where Mount Sessil now stands. It was first encountered, at least according to oral traditions sometime in the middle of the era of ice during the Randagri Period. Best guess dating that encounter is somewhere around 1600 pre-sc with the Feyite finding the tree through the World Root. The Fairy dwelling in the tree claim Sessileg had dwelt in the land for a thousand years, placing its birth from the seed of Aterleg during the Randeny Period at 2600 pre-sc.


Sessileg's Narasan was Faran, the Rainbow Serpent. Even less is known of Faran than that of the serpent's tree.

Narasan - Faran, the Rainbow Serpent


Fairy - Far more is knonwn of the Sessileg fairy, called 'Rainbow Fairies,' that their elder tree. Tales of these fairies are abundant in the north; despite being lost so long ago. Sessileg fairies appearance is lost to time, most putting their appearance close to the other fairies of Novyum. While they are known as 'Rainbow Fairies' it is believed that their wings may have been white or feathered, though this is speculation.


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