Juva Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil

Juva (Joo va)

the Winter Star


Juva, a blue dwarf star, is one of the two solar bodies at the heart of Alanspace. The star is a binary system with Uatu, each circling the other in a twelve-hundred-year orbit. Juva is known to have many asteroid belts orbiting it, collectively known as Juva's Belt.

Ethae legend claim Juva first appeared in the sky at the end of the Aggelomachy, said to be the vessel Alu placed the Magic taken from the people as punishment for their war. It was both a destroyer and a symbol of peace. Its creation caused massive destruction across Alan, especially on Aldern as the shifting gravity of a new celestial body transformed the world. Overtime all of Alanspace ajusted as did Aldern to the new order of existance.


For the people of Aldern, Juva is titled ‘the Winter Star’ due to it being able to be seen only during the winter months, when Aldern’s orbit puts it on the same side of Uatu as Juva.


Juva, along with Uatu, not only creates warmth and light in the space, but also generates Solanon, a source of the Anon(magic) in the world. It should be noted that Juva, while warm, does not create the same level of heat as Uatu, but is known to radiate much more solanon energy than its sister.



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