Plashin Range Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil

Plashin Range (PLASH in)

the Novyum Divide


The Plashin Range, sometimes called the Novyum Divide, or the Spine of Novyum, is a mountain range running north to south that divides the Heartlands of Novyum on the west, with the mountainous lands of Slavyum to the east. The range is difficult to cross due to its steep slopes and high altitudes. Its northernly location means it is covered in icy, snow and glaciers year-round, adding to the difficulty. The central mountains of the range are some of the tallest mountains on the continent. This puts travelers in the death zone where air is thin and icy storms are frequent.


The northern mountains of the range are smaller, with deep valleys. While this makes them much easier to cross, the thick forested wetland in their valleys slows travel to a crawl during summer months. During winter travel is dangerous as flash storms can appear out of the Piercing Ocean with little warning. These storms often spread to cover much of the northern region around the mountains as they butt up against the central great peaks.


The range's southern peaks run along the eastern side of Ubara's Arm. These mountains are the most populated of all the Plashin with heavy connections to the Heartlands.


Most travel between the Heartlands and Slavyum is done by bypassing the range, via Ubara's Arm, an extend from the Aabanu Sea stretching north pushing up against the range's southern mountains. This inlet sea has long been intimately associated with the Plashin as it completes the divide between Novyum's western and eastern halves.

Mountain Range


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