Aabanu Sea Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil

Aabanu Sea (ABA an ow)

the Great Green


The Aabanu Sea, called Wadja Wer in ages past, and nicknamed 'the Great Green' by modern sailors, is a sea connected to the Criup Ocean that sits in-between the Heartlands of Novyum and the Espin Peninsula of Slavyum on the major continent of Ethae. There is evidence, both in ancient stories, and physical ruins below the waves, that the sea was once a wide plain with tundra like conditions during the Randagri Period when glaciers covered much of the north and south of Aldern and sea levels dropped.

The sea has been important for merchants and travelers since its first recorded existence. It has facilitated trade, cultural development, and political power through the ages. Both Lakorth and United Kingdoms of Novyum holding absolute nautical control of the sea which contributed to the expansion of the nations, and their unchallenged control of the entire continent.


With the decline of united Novyum and the century of civil wars that have raged over the Northern Reach of Ethae the sea has lost much of its long relatively peaceful history. Pirates plagues the shipping lanes, warship of every nation hunt the waters, and creatures, drawn in by the blood of war, lurk below.


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