Serapo Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil


the Forest Island of Mainor


Serapo is an island in the inner region of the Argoa Sea, dividing the mouth of Argoa Bay with the sea. It is unique among the islands of the Argoa in that its lands are covered in a swamp forest, rather than the reed marshes of the other islands. In Tinjir's ancient past the island's name was proverbial for hidden knowledge. A proverb talking of legends that the island was inhabited by mute frogs.


During the days of Lakorth influence in the Tobia's Gulf, Serapo became a place of exile. It was a banishment location for political criminals from throughout Tinjir. A white marble fortress, built by the Lakortha once stood on the north side of the island. Today, this fort is little more than a clutter of blocks, with much of it scattered throughout the interior of the island. There are no records of what happened to this fortress or why it was seemingly disassembled and scattered.


In modern days, the island is lightly populated, mostly by men, that live along the coast and fish the Argoa Sea in reed rafts. Any attempt to make contact with these people is meet with failure, as they will quickly vanish into their island's interior. It is unknown if they are descendants of ancient exiles to Serapo, or Maine folk that settled the island at some point after. The common consensus is the latter. That they are men that escaped the life of servitude to the woman of Mainor, choices to live a remote, simple life, and afraid contact with the outside world would bring the Qwn’yia attention to them.


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