Maine Ethnicity in Aldern | World Anvil

Maine (MANE)

the Dark Ones


Where the other Ismon people of the Thoamaine Peninsula, such as the Tinjin, are descendants of the Human migrating into Tinjir through time, the people of Mainor consdider themselves the originals. These people have dwelt in the marshes and hills of their lands from before the ascension of the Areian Nations and the rise of the Kephic Empire. Tribes, nations and kingdoms rising and falling through time, but the Maine remain.


In Mainor mythology, their ancestors lived among the elves of Mya Toeman Mair until Karasaanu burned. Without the elven protection they were conquered by wizards of the now lost civilization called Benet. These wizards established Ashur Reshi, a nation of magic that could keep even the ancient elves of Zalpula in check. These wizards saw the native women as little more than breeding stalk for their nation. Ashur Reshi would fall, like so many others, in the Black Collapse. Unlike most, we know what brought down the great nation, at least in part. Their traditions state that sometime during the Collapse, the first Qwn’yia witches rose to power, native women that had learned the ancient knowledge of the elves and Benet. They would never be subjegated again.


Today the Maine live as their people have for most of time. Civilization is centered in the ‘palace’ fortress cities atop hills. Ha’mazan, women warriors, keep the peace in the land, while the men farm. Women that are not Ha’mazan or Qwn’yia fill the roles of all of higher social classes. Men are given little consideration in Maine society, beyond farming, labor or household care. Mainor marriage is where the man does have some freedom to have a say over matters, wife willing, of course. A Maine male that shows any aggression or combat prowess will be taken by the Qwn’yia as personal chamber guards, never to be seen again. There are many rumors of what happens to these men, but little evidence to show any truth. It is forbidden by law for any man to wield magic of any kind, upon instant pain of death.


The Ha'mazan warriors are feared throughout Tinjir, with legends about their prowess told in taverns worldwide. The numbers are small, however. To augment this for defense of their homeland the Qwn'yia create Minotaur guardians and warriors to protect Mainor. These creatures have a blind loyalty to the Qwn'yia and Ha'mazan they serve.

Maine women have universally raven black hair. Men's hair ranged in colors from blonde to dark browns, but never black. Both sexes, despite their deep ismon genetic roots, tends toward lighter skin tones. The men often sport tan hues due to much activity outside. Women are pale from lack of long exposure to the sun. This is often augmented with makeup to give a near white appearance. Eye color varies, with any natural human color possible. When a woman becomes a Qwn’yia all color disappears from her eyes, leaving them white. Similar magic used in Ha’mazan initiation rituals turns those warrior eyes black. Male Maine clothing is often simple and nearly always White in color, while women prefer blacks.

Name Samples:

(male) Alan, Bran, Farrys, Kelwyn, Nels, Romen, Stefan, Wysler, Xander, Zynger

(female) Alnya, Andrea, Dyva, Eona, Lynette, Marya, Sofya, Tryna, Wynter, Zyva


Maine have little need for the use of surnames. Few travel beyond their home city. Those that leave their lands behind simply refer to themselves as ‘of Mainor’ or ’the Maine.’ Such as Alan of Mainor or Trina the Maine.

Race: Human

Ethnicity: Ismon

Alignment: Maine live their lives rarely concerning themselves with the rights and wrongs of morality.

Age: Maine men live an average about 60 years, while the women live up to 100 and greater.

Size: (Medium) Maine, both male and female average around 5 feet tall.

Language: Maine, more specifically Eastern Maine, is the primary language of the Mainor people. While higher classes citizens such as the Qwn’yia and Ha’amazan, often learn the Common Tongue, intelligence permitting, though the little contact with the world beyond their lands often see few bothering. 


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