the Even Flow Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil

the Even Flow

the Elven Strait


The Even Flow, 'the Flow', sometimes called the Elven Flow or Elven Strait, is a channel that cuts through southern Anbar on the major continent of Ethae. This channel flows for hundreds of miles and is described by the brave sailors that venture in as a great canyon with a sea flowing through it. Its runs it course through step cliffs with stone shores and is dotted with hundreds of rocky islands to navigate.


The waters of the Even Flow are traitorous to say the least. The islands, some of which are below the water, cause the water to churn and swirl. Whirlpools the size of ships are commonly during storms. Strong currents and its unusual underwater topography create an unstable water flow, speeding up and slowing down quickly. The above water topography, with its cliffs and rock formations create particularly intense winds randomly, easily pushing ships with sails into rocks if unprepared. All this is nothing to say about the dusty lightning storms that quickly churn up across the strait.


All that said, the Even Flow is still a popular route for travel, as it can cut weeks off of a voyage. There are many merchant vessels that advertise their experience is navigating the Flow, and a common brag in port taverns are stories about surviving the Flow.


Its formation is lost to history, with most speculating it formed sometime in the Time of Aterleg before mankind was even created. A few postulate its formation during the Aggelomachy or Gilgurth Impact. Only Alu knows the answer. Something that has not yet come to the scholars of the world.



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