Gilgurth Myth in Aldern | World Anvil

Gilgurth (GILL gherth)

the World Eater


The asteroid that will be known as Gilgurth impacted Aldern in 1200pre-sc. All is devastated. life is almost wiped from surface of the world. The survivors huddle in mountain caves and around the Elder Tree when the sky turns dark with clouds of ash. The tree's Mantle absorbs the energy from the blast, shielding its region from the destruction.


While the event is better understood in the modern day, the people of the past shared stories of the impact again and again. Though these retellings it shifted, becoming a tale of Gilgurth, the World Eater, a great dragon who came down from the heavens and burned the sky. His tail swept the sea and flooded the world.


The 1200pre-sc impact is not the first, or the last time of the Gilgurth impacts, it was simply the largest. Modern astronomers understanding that these events are caused by the Celestial Cycle of Uatu and Juva's orbiting each other. Aldern passes through the the Cloud, a region of dust and rock in Alanspace. It is this passing in the Cycle that has come to by the reset point of the Cycle's end. This will start the next age for the next 1200 years until next impact with the 'Gilgurth Cloud.'


This event was recorded as being much more spectacular and devastating in the prehistoric periods, with region destruction, flooding and fires across the globe. These were world altering events, such as the most well-known and near world ending event of 1200pre-sc. In the modern Ages these events are little more than a yearlong meteor shower across the sky. Impacts are rare and doing little true damage.


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