the Light Hemisphere Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil

the Light Hemisphere

the Known World


The Oceanic Meridians divide Aldern between the Light and the Dark Hemisphere. Geopolitically, the Light Hemisphere is dominated by the major continent of Ethae that covers much of its area. The continent being the home of the Jenuwan Order, much of the history of the hemisphere is well documented and recorded, thus giving rise to the title of Light Hemisphere. 'Light' as in known.

The Light Hemisphere continent list:

Ethae: This major continent is often referred to as the primary continent of Aldern. Likely due to the fact that it is home to the Jenuwan Order, recorders of history. Ethae landmass covers much of the central hemisphere and has the most diverse population in the world.

Ethae is divided into three subcontinents called Reaches:
  • Anbar: the Western Reach of Ethae
  • Jerain: the Southern Reach of Ethae
  • Novyum: the Northern Reach of Ethae

Articles under the Light Hemisphere


Author's Notes

Note: Ethae is the continent where nearly every campaign has taken place in the years of gaming on Aldern. ( The real reason it is more known than the Dark Hemisphere. )

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