the Dark Hemisphere Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil

the Dark Hemisphere

the Untapped World


The Oceanic Meridians divide Aldern between the Dark and the Light Hemisphere. The Dark Hemisphere, dominated by the major continent of Dergonhad at its heart has a long rich history, diverse cultures and wild lands. However, little is recorded, or rather little is recorded by the Jenuwan Order. This has given rise to the hemisphere being known as the 'Dark Hemisphere' in regards of a lack of collected knowledge. Though this has changed drastically in the Lakorthian Age and Novyum Age, with new contact and the exchange of trade and knowledge, the name has stuck. The Dark Hemisphere will hold that title through time, even when all the knowledge is gathered (if such a thing is possible.)

The Dark Hemisphere continent list:

Dergonhad: Dominating the dark hemisphere, Dergonhad is home of the dagmon people. It is a harsh continent of extreme weather and devastating monsters. Ancient civilizations thrive along the coastal lands, while inland Dergonhad struggles to sustain anything more than nomadic cultures due largely to the harsh conditions. Tales of a great kephic kingdoms and areian civilizations around the twin inner seas of Semini and Debubi persist, though few are said to travel that deep into the interior of the continent to know for sure. Most of the viakagi raiders that plagued Ethae came from the southern nations. While the northern nations have long connection with Na Boon, both in trade and warfare, with each conquering the other at some point in history. Large populations of boon people live across the northern lands of Dergonhad.

Na Boon: Na Boon is an archipelago in the north of the dark hemisphere. The ismon people of these islands are ancient, set in old traditional ways of life. Bushido is life for the people. The islands are currently united under the Teikoku Dynasty, with a deep rooted isolationist culture.

Uluru: Uluru is a largely unexplored landmass in the southeast of the Dark Hemisphere. The thick forests are home to a nation of isolated Woyd'are, extreme in their worship of nature and hostile to all outsiders, including other elves. The region is fundimentally a magic dead land, with trees and plants absorbing the Anon to sustain themselves rather that naturally generate it, as all other plant life does on Aldern. Giant prehistoric creatures roam the forests, adding to the hostility of this land..


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