the World Root Physical / Metaphysical Law in Aldern | World Anvil

the World Root

the Root


The World Root, or more often just 'the Root' is a metaphysical force of the world of Aldern. It is described as a web, or roots, of energy that run throughout the world connecting all things. There are several devices and items, magic in nature, that tap into these threads of energy to facilitate communication and travel in the modern world.


According to Elf mythology the World Root is the roots of Aterleg and the Elder Tree connecting to each other, as well as the Ama Tree and Umu Tree. These roots spread, binding the world together. Over the ages as more trees grew, the root spread creating the network known today. Even after most of the trees are gone. The elves would use the World Root to travel instantly between the trees as they seemed to be focal points of the Root.

Metaphysical, Supernatural


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