Thoa Orc Ethnicity in Aldern | World Anvil

Thoa Orc

Thoamaine Orc


The fierce Thoamaine Orc, more commonly called Thoa Orc, of the Scaro Wilds are almost all descentants of the warriors of the Umaybbad orcs. This has given them a pride and idea of nobility among their people, seeing themselves as the highest of orc bloodlines. Other non-Thoa orc entering their territory are seen as a threat and eliminated. The exception of this is females (see below.)


Thoa orcs are almost exclusively concentrated in the Scaro Wilds, only venturing beyond the borders in numbers to raid or conquer. In the Wilds, they reign supreme. Other orc ethnic groups are killed on sight, as are elves. Humans will be captured, if possible, for slave labor, but killed if needed. Several of the Orchold in the mountain borders of the Kingdom of Bronze consider humans a delicacy. Why make them work to produce food, when you can hunt them for food.


The ‘Jabbuk’ (leader) of a Thoamaine orchold is always the strongest orc of the community. This doesn't always mean physical strength, however. An orc with a strong personality and skill in manipulation can rule over their people. Dak Ruk is a perfect example of this, he is not the biggest of the Ruk, but he has a sway over his kin like few others. This is the exception rather than the norm, however. All it takes is one ambitious orc to see weakness or have the will to take the risk and leadership can change.

Jabbuk are advised by his ‘Draa’ (wife). All Thoa orcholds, no matter the location or way of life, are predominantly male, with birth rate of females extremely low. Tradition among the Thoa is that wives choose their own mate. During early summer the 'Elesham' takes place, when unmarried females traditionally seek out husbands. The Elesham is a contest of strength and cunning among the orc men to draw attention to themselves for would be suitors. The contest is different for every community, but always ends many deaths, and the winners gaining their spouses. Those contestants that fail to gain a draa and survive, continue the Elesham by travelling across Tobia's Gulf to gain a draa from the Lhakamed Orc. The weakest tribes, especially those along human borders, human settlements, seeking to capture a ‘wife.’ This is looked down upon by other communities in the Wilds. Orc blood should be as pure as possible to them. While the Lhakamed orc are a lesser ethnic group, in Thoa opinion, they are still orc. Orc that takes human mates are seeing as pathetic.


For Thoa orc the idea of communal identity is strong. That does not mean they are loyal to the other members of the community, however. More that they find a strong identity with their community as a whole and what that means to the world beyond. A strong orchold will be respected, the weak will be destroyed. This drives the competitive orc to make a strong community, to strut the colors of the tribe so-to-speak.


Thoamaine orc appearance varies greatly between region and community. Skin color tends to be green, some coastal orholds have dark browns tones among the males. Womans skin tones tend to be brighter than the males. Thoa stands somewhere around 7 feet tall, with little difference in height between male and female. Their features range from large muscular human-like beings, to hulking monstrous warriors. All Thoa have pointed ears, rounder ears are seen as disgusting, and these orcs are often killed at birth. Eyes are often black or dark red, though most colors are seen throughout the Wilds, especially in the communities bordering on human territory. Body piercing is popular in the Wilds, primarily among the females. Thoa orcs seem to have universally green or grey hair among females, and black or grey for the males. Style varies between the orcholds, but both sexes often shave, or pulled back behind the head.

Ability Score Modifiers:

+2 Str, +1 Con


Alignment: Thoamaine orc culture respect physical prowess over all else, in orc philosophy only the strongest survive, they favor chaotic alignments.

Age: Orc can live up to 150 years.

Size: (Medium) Orc usually stand at around 7 feet tall and weigh between 220 to 300 pounds.

Speed: 30

Darkvision: 60 feet

Aggressive: As a bonus action, orc can move up to their speed towards an enemy of their choice that they can see or hear.

Primal Intuition: Orc have proficiency in two of the following skills: Animal Handling, Insight, Intimidation, Medicine, Nature, Perception, or Survival.

Powerful Build: Orc count as one size larger when determining their carrying capacity.

Language: All orc speak Orcish, those orc with Int 10+ will also understand the Common Tongue (Novynesse).


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