Lhaka Orc

Desert Orc


The Lhaka Orc dwell in small communities throughout the Anbar desert. They are far more cunning than their cousins to the north. While the Thoa Orc take pride in being the descendants of the Umaybbad, the greats of the orc nations in history, the Lhakamed orc takes their pride in being the true natives of the Tinjir. This has caused a disdain between the two orc ethnic groups, with the Lhakamed seeing the Thoa as invaders to be eliminated when encountered.


Most Orchold are small, no more than a hundred orc and live as nomads of the desert, traveling from oasis to oasis for survival. The larger, stronger communities avoid open sands of the desert, establishing rocky regions with water, caves, and food as their orchold.   Desert orc tradition allows these tribes rest in other orc-controlled water sources if a female from the nomadic tribe agrees to mate with a member of the controlling group. Something often avoided for the survival of the nomads that may only have one or two females. The smaller tribes are disappearing slowly vanishing because of these traditions. Many tribes have sacrificed their women to stronger tribes for protection, eventually being absorbed into communities like the Taba Orchold or Ubed Orchold. Though few that don't using their nomadic nature to find 'mates' of their own. Usually by raiding human settlements or merchant trains, capturing women along with any useful supplies.


Those Lhakamed communities that do carve out their fiefdoms near civilizations like the Besed Orchold, avoid conflict with their neighbors, knowing they are outnumbered. Often using their races brutal reputation to keep humans out of their territory while maintaining a low profile to keep an 'out of sight out of mind' factor for those humans. That does not mean they do not raid or attack, they simply understand that no witnesses is a key to survival.


A Lhakamed orc community is led by a Jabbuk (leader) alongside his Draa (wife), in a co-leadership position. All jabbuk have a draa. A male that can't gain and protect a wife should not lead in the orc's eyes. The two are seen as equals in the community. The couple lead through shows of power, often by coercion rather than intimidation as the Thoa Orc do, making sure their members are rewarded to keep them placated if loyal.


Being a jabbak's draa is the most dangerous role in orc society. This leads to these females being some of the strongest member of the orchold, due to having to fight off or out maneuver many assassination attempts. Knowing this, orc females that survive childhood, are often the most devious of the group. Only the shrewdest will fight for the right to be a jabbuk's wife, even murdering each other or the previous wife to gain the title. A long tradition that only reduces the female population of their tribes, but one that is engrained into their culture. A draa of the jabbuk decides who of among the women will be given to the ranking males of the tribe is marriage. These matchings are always political, with valued warriors gaining the most attractive females.


Desert orc skin color tends to be greenish, varying from light almost pale to near black between communities. Females tend towards brighter hues of greens. These orcs stand on average 6 feet tall, with female often being slightly shorter compared to their male counterparts. Male features are usually large and muscular, while females are thinner and often have much more human characteristics. Both sexes have pointed ears, though softer rounded ears seem to be becoming more common in the younger generations. Eyes are darker shades in the males, usually nearly black or the darkest brown, while most females sport lighter colors of grey or pale blue. The eye sclera (white of the eye) in desert orcs sometimes appear yellow in the nomadic tribes. Hairstyles vary between communities, but it is common for both sexes to keep their hair long and pulled back behind their head. Hair is usually black, grey or a pale green.

Lhaka Orc Traits


Creature Type: Humanoid


Size: Medium (about 5–8 feet tall)


Speed: 30 feet


Adrenaline Rush.: Orcs can take the Dash action as a Bonus Action. When they do, they gain a number of Temporary Hit Points equal to their Proficiency Bonus. The Orc can use this trait a number of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus, and will regain all expended uses after finishing a Short or Long Rest.


Darkvision: Orcs have Darkvision with a range of 120 feet.


Relentless Endurance: When an Orc is reduced to 0 Hit Points but not killed outright, the Orc can drop to 1 Hit Point instead. Once they use this trait, they can’t do so again until you finish a Long Rest.


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