
Khavit (KAH vet)


Khavit, Khavit Waten, or more commonly 'Undercommon' in ages past, aside from Dwarvish, is the largest dialect of the dwarven language in Ethae. It was the dominant language for the commoners of the Kephic Empire. Its usage among the miners and warriors in the deep tunnels of the Kephic Empire made it the dominatnt trade language across the Night Below during the reign of the dwarves, and has remained so into the modern age. Today it has transended being a dwarven tongue, used across the vast underground world below the Cutting Mountains and beyond.


Aik - The

Alrpo - (the) World

Aznan - Dark

Barakna - Protect

Cauran - Cavern

Dat - Father

Daltar - Descend

Delar - Deep

Gathol - Fortress

Gwat - Waste

Kibal - Silver

Undra - Beneath


Beneath - Undra

Cavern - Cauran

Dark - Aznan

Deep - Delar

Descend - Daltar

Father - Dat

Fortress - Gathol

Protect - Barakna

Silver - Kibal

The - Aik

Waste - Gwat

(the) World - Alrpo


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