Night Below Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil

Night Below

Haaredern, 'the World Below'


The Night Below is a world of caverns and tunnels. Hundreds, if not thousands, of miles of webbed tunnnels throughout the mountains of Ethae. While every mountain range of the continent has some caverns or mines that are deep enough to be considered part of 'Night Below', these are largely isolated locals. The 'true' Night Below that is the stuff of legend and nightmares rests primarily under the Cutting Mountains and stretch east into Anbar.


The Night Below consists of three major regions: Waterdeep below the Cutting Mountains, Darkdeep below the Mountains of Poe and Yaren Juhl, and Underdeep (called Underdark by the people of Tinjir) below the rest of Anbar. The three regions are interconnected to one another by natural and artificial tunnels. As stated above, there are other regions of networked tunnels throughout Ethae's mountains, but these are isolated and small in comparison. It should be noted that these isolated regions are all found in mountain ranges, never below relatively flat lands. Be it the isolated regions, or the Night Below proper, the 'landscape' of this strange world consists largely of Dwarf made tunnels, cut ever deeper through thousands of years of history. Though natural caverns are found throughout, they make up only about a third of the underground network.

Underground / Subterranean


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