Vathys Bay

Nopum's Bay


Vathys Bay, sometimes called Nopum's Bay, is a saltwater body at the northern tip of the Nopum Peninsula west side. The bay is part of the Piercing Ocean. Its waters are relatively shallow in comparison to its ocean, 1,500 feet at its deepest in the central region, but averaging less than 500 feet throughout.


The bay has a lower salinity level than its surrounding ocean. Its low salinity gives the bay a higher freezing point, causing its surface to ice up quicker than the surround ocean during winter.


The shores surrounding the bay are predominately muddy beaches and grassy dunes. During the summer and spring months the waters are calm making for an ideal location for rest and beauty. Nobles often anchor their ships in the waters for gatherings and festivals. In the winter, however, the shallow waters of the bay churn up violently, and are avoided. Waves crush anything along its shores. Though rare, these waves have pushed as far as a mile inland. This results in few settlements found along Vathys Bay coastline.


Thought to be dry land in early prehistory the region was struck by one of the Gilgurth impacts in history creating the bay. No date is pinpointed to which event this was, though it is believed to have occurred before any settled the northern lands.



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