Nopum Peninsula Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil

Nopum Peninsula

the Northern Heartlands


The Nopum Peninsula is a peninsula extending north out of Novyum into the Piercing Ocean. Despite never being included as part of the Heartlands in a geo-political context, the peninsula has been completely intertwined with the Heartlands and its political powers since at least the days of Old Capedo.


The peninsula is made up of two major regions the lowlands on the west side of the peninsula and the mountains of the Balinak Range in the central and eastern region. The lowlands consist of the grasslands and farms of the Pleata Fields in the south and the icy peatbogs of the Lonego Fields in the north.


Throughout much of history the peninsula has played an integral role in Novyum history. The Nopeli people largely have remained allied and submissive with whichever power controlled the Heartlands. This has largely been out of a desire for peace rather than need. While never considered the richest region of the Northern Reach, the Nopum Peninsula is one of the few regions of Ethae where many vital natural resource can be found, making the civilizations of the peninsula easily self-sustaining should the need arise. The mountains are rich with ores and metals. Through the colder weather makes it hard to farm, the people have managed for ages to provide enough food for themselves, and the coastal waters are teeming with sea life. With natural barriers like Mount Sessil making travel difficult for large armies, the peninsula and more so its capital of New Open have been difficult to invade.


After the decline of Lakorth, the people of the peninsula formed the kingdom of Nopum in defensive response to the civil wars and rising warlord states that were born from the weaken central power. Nopum was in large part the leading advocate and founding member of the movement to unite all of Novyum into a single republic. Though Nopum's influence waned after it was transformed into a province of the United Kingdoms of Novyum it never faded into obscurity. Nopum was one of the few nations to survive the fall of the United Kingdoms and continues to survive today, keeping the people safe as chaos ravages the rest of the north.


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