Ziggurat of Urzan

the Tomb of Elder Tree Urzan


Located in the Craddle Valley of the Western Reach of Ethae, the Ziggurat of Urzan is a wonder of the ancient world. The grand structure standing around two hundred feet. It was said to have been painted bright colors, with each level of its steps covered in gardens. If myths are true, the base of ziggurat was built around the trunk of Elder Tree Urzan after its destruction.


After the fall of Ancient Siduum to the Umaybbad the temple fell into disuse and disrepair. Its gardens died and the soil within each filled with sand. Largely forgotten today, time has decayed the ziggurat into its current state.


The inner structure of the ziggurat is dangerous. Magic is unstable. The sands of its ancient garden terraces around it are loose and fluid. They seem to have a will of their own, pulling people down into their depths, never to be seen again.

World wonder


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