Astrology in Alemi

Astrology in Alemi is a product of the interaction of both lunar objects and the sun, cast against the stellar backdrop. It is used in two primary modes: first, as an indicator of personality; second, as an indicator of destiny. The former should be familiar; the latter may need some additional considerations.   While there is much skepticism about astrology, it also serves as the basis for a large handful of the holidays that are common throughout the continent.

Celestial Objects

  There are three significant celestial objects in the sky of Alemi.

The Sun

  In a remarkable stroke of coincidence, the sun and the smaller moon have coinciding cycles.   Alemi makes a complete revolution around its sun every 364 days. Fucking exactly 364. No leap year bullshit. 364.

The Moons

Alemi has two moons, Lunas and Phobas.   The smaller moon, Lunas, travels through one house every 28 days, making a complete circuit of the thirteen sectors in a single year. The center of each section is determined by Lunas' location when full.   The larger moon, Phobas, adds a lot of complexity, as it travels in a 41 day cycle, making it asynchronous to the year. However, Alemi astrology--and this is often brought up as an argument against its accuracy--only concerns itself with years where Lunas' first full moon arrives on the 15th of the Turn and Phobas' first full moon is on the 10th. Go figure.

Lunar Phases

Remember, for Lunas, these are correct each year; for Phobas these are only correct when the year aligns, yet Alemic Astrology treats them as if they were true every year.   Notable days are when either moon is New or Full, or when both moons are in one of the four quarters of their phase (new, full, peak of waxing, peak of waning) on the same night. These are frequently local holidays and/or particularly in/auspicious days for a birth.   List of Notable Days
Common DayLunasPhobos
1st of the TurnNew-
11th of the Turn-Full
15th of the TurnFull-
22nd of the TurnWaningWaning
1st of the IcingNew-
4th of the Icing-New
15th of the IcingFull-
24th of the Icing-Full
1st of the BudNew-
7th of the BudWaxingWaning
15th of the BudFull-
17th of the Bud-New
1st of the SpringNew-
9th of the Spring-Full
15th of the SpringFull-
1st & 2nd of the FlowerNewNew
15th of the FlowerFull-
22nd of the Flower-Full
1st of the FruitNew-
15th of the FruitFullNew
1st of the MirrorNew-
7th of the MirrorWaxingFull
1st of the HazeFull-
14th & 15th of the HazeNewNew
1st of the GatherFull-
6th of the Gather-Full
15th of the GatherNew-
27th of the Gather-New
1st of the FallFull-
9th of the FallWaningWaxing
15th of the FallNew-
19th of the Fall-Full
1st of the DepthFull-
12th of the Depth-New
15th of the DepthNew-
21st & 22nd of the DepthWaxingWaxing
1st of the WindFull-
4th of the Wind-Full
15th of the WindNewWaning
25th of the Wind-New
1st of the LullFull-
15th of the LullNew-
17th of the Lull-Full
28th of the Lull-Waning
1st of the DarkFull-
9th & 10th of the DarkWaningNew


Stellar & Lunar Interactions

  People in Alemi have three dominant astrological indicators, reflecting where each celestial object was on the day of their birth. This gives them a Solan House, a Lunan House, and a Phoban House.   The sun and Lunas move through each of the 13 houses in the span of a year. Phobas is more complicated, moving halfway across the sky in a single year.   Anybody in Alemi born in an even numbered year has Phobas in one of House III - IX while Alemi's larger moon will be in Houses X - XIII or I - II if born in an odd numbered year.  

Solan House

  The Sun House indicates your dominant personality traits, those core tendencies and instincts that form a consistent through-line in your life. Your sun sign is seen as your parent, and therefore references are made to being a Child of The Anvil or a Child of The Dragon.   Devout believers in astrology would insist someone who displays tendencies that align with their Solan House are being True Children of their sign; while those who are not (which is seen as being resistant to their "true selves") are wearing a False Mask of their Parent.   As an example, someone born into the House of the Owl who was quietly wise would be known as a True Child of the Owl, while someone who was falsely boisterous would be seen as wearing False Mask of the Owl, and their personal growth would be tied to discovering the quietly wise deeper self they carry within.  

The Lunan House

  The House where Lunas is when you are born indicates your potential, the possible areas of strength and possibility that life offers you.   Lunan interpretations tend to fall into two distinct modes. The first pertains to most of the population, and sees potential in traditional ways--the potential to be a good parent, the potential to succeed in business, the potential to find true love. The second pertains to potential in a more ... heroic sense, the potential that may be fulfilled should an individual succeed in developing their pursuit of the highest levels of magic or martial prowess and the like.  

The Phoban House

  The House where Phobas is when you are born indicates your underlying challenges, those traits that threaten to derail your efforts and accomplishments. Phoban challenges run deep, and echo in many different ways throughout a life.  

The Houses

  The Houses are arranged clockwise in the sky, starting from due north on the night of the first day of the year.   Here are the thirteen houses and their associated date ranges, along with the date they are considered most dominant for each of the three celestial bodies (also referred to as their peak).
HouseSun Sign DatesLunas DatesPhobas Dates
I: The Anvil19th of the Haze
5th of the Haze - 5th of the Gather
15th of the Turn
2nd of the Turn - 1st of the Icing
19th of the Fall (odd years)
21st of the Gather - 18th of the Depth
II: The Whale19th of the Gather
6th of the Gather - 5th of the Fall
15th of the Icing
2nd of the Icing - 1st of the Bud
17th of the Wind (odd years)
19th of the Depth - 16th of the Lull
III: The Staff19th of the Fall
6th of the Fall - 5th of the Depth
15th of the Bud
2nd of the Bud - 1st of the Sprig
22nd of the Turn (even years)
17th of the Lull - 22nd of the Icing
IV: The Waterfall19th of the Depth
6th of the Depth - 5th of the Wind
15th of the Sprig
2nd of the Sprig - 1st of the Flower
22nd of the Bud (even years)
23rd of the Icing - 22nd of the Sprig
V: The Huntress19th of the Wind
6th of the Wind - 5th of the Lull
15th of the Flower
2nd of the Flower - 1st of the Fruit
22nd of the Flower (even years)
23rd of the Sprig - 22nd of the Fruit
VI: The Owl19th of the Lull
6th of the Lull - 5th of the Dark
15th of the Fruit
2nd of the Fruit - 1st of the Mirror
8th of the Haze (even years)
23rd of the Fruit - 6th of the Gather
VII: The Lamb5th of the Turn
6th of the Dark - 18th of the Turn
1st of the Haze
2nd of the Mirror - 15th of the Haze
8th of the Fall (even years)
7th of the Gather - 4th of the Depth
VIII: The Thresher5th of the Icing
19th of the Turn - 18th of the Icing
1st of the Gather
16th of the Haze - 15th of the Gather
8th of the Wind (even years)
5th of the Depth - 2nd of the Lull
IX: The Hood5th of the Bud
19th of the Icing - 18th of the Bud
1st of the Fall
16th of the Gather - 15th of the Fall
8th of the Dark (even years)
3rd of the Lull - 14th of the Turn
X: The Harp5th of the Sprig
19th of the Bud - 18th of the Sprig
1st of the Depth
16th of the Fall - 15th of the Depth
13th of the Icing (odd years)
15th of the Turn - 12th of the Bud
XI: The Citadel5th of the Flower
19th of the Sprig - 18th of the Flower
1st of the Wind
16th of the Depth - 15th of the Wind
11th of the Sprig (odd years)
13th of the Bud - 10th of the Flower
XII: The Dragon5th of the Fruit
19th of the Flower - 18th of the Fruit
1st of the Lull
16th of the Wind - 15th of the Lull
9th of the Fruit (odd years)
11th of the Flower - 8th of the Mirror
XIII: The Gnoll5th of the Mirror
19th of the Fruit - 4th of the Haze
1st of the Dark
16th of the Lull - 1st of the Icing
21st of the Haze (odd years)
9th of the Mirror - 20th of the Gather
  The date listed is considered the peak of the sign, when its influence is the strongest. Alemic astrology does contain the notion of cusps as well, with the overlap between signs considered to last at most 2-3 days in either direction. Cusps are hard to interpret, as individuals born during them may express a mixture of the two adjoining signs, or may represent one or the other fully.  


  While this system of sky-scrying is found throughout the world, there are various local systems as well that diverge from it considerably. The terms for each of the houses of the sky have often been given different names by the dominant cultural groups. However, aside from a largely divergent system of interpretation among the Lōka, the meanings tend to be similar throughout Mizra'aki.  

The Houses

  Each house occupies just under 27 degrees of the night sky.  

House I: The Anvil

  The Anvil is dominated by a set of five stars set in two roughly parallel lines, with three above and two below.  
Solan SignLunan SignPhoban Sign
The sun in The Anvil indicates loyalty, mental fortitude, and the danger of being quick to anger.Lunas in The Anvil indicates the potential to become stronger and stronger over time, forged into a great weapon.Phobas in The Anvil indicates the dangers of anger, and of burning through one's potential too quickly.
  The Anvil is also known as The Flaming Lion in Cyra and Thuyle.

House II: The Whale

  The triangle of stars forming the tail of The Whale is one of the instantly recognizable constellations in the Alemi sky.  
Solan SignLunan SignPhoban Sign
The sun in The Whale indicates deep and slow thought and high levels of intuition, as well as the creative possibilities of focused wrath.Lunas in The Whale indicates a potential for the creation of great and lasting works.Phobas in The Whale indicates the dangers of aggression and an susceptibility to impulse.

House III: The Staff

  A series of five stars in a rough line, The Staff is often hard to find, as the middle three stars are much dimmer than the two on the end.  
Solan SignLunan SignPhoban Sign
The sun in The Staff indicates a restless, yet dependable soul.Lunas in The Staff indicates the potential an impact that stretches across and beyond the known world.Phobas in The Staff indicates the dangers of a lack of focus and an inability to complete things that are undertaken.

House IV: The Waterfall

  The bulk of The Waterfall is a spray of stars that form a dense, milky rush across the sky.  
Solan SignLunan SignPhoban Sign
The sun in The Waterfall indicates love and a reluctance to change.Lunas in The Waterfall indicates the possibility of impacting the world through a steadfast determination.Phobas in The Waterfall indicates the dangers of an overabundance of secrecy.

House V: The Huntress

  The only human form among the constellations, The Huntress is among the least obviously recognizable constellations, lacking any immediately identifying pattern, although some will claim the bow--a curved line of four stars--is discernable on very clear nights.  
Solan SignLunan SignPhoban Sign
The sun in The Huntress indicates passion and intensity.Lunas in The Huntress indicates the potential to change the world through a sheer force of will.Phobas in The Huntress indicates remaining far too quiet in the face of adversity and challenge.

House VI: The Owl

  The Owl is recognizable by the two larger and brighter stars that form its eyes.  
Solan SignLunan SignPhoban Sign
The sun in The Owl indicates a quiet wisdom.Lunas in The Owl indicates the potential to change the world through a single-mindedness, bordering on the vicious.Phobas in The Owl indicates the dangers of irregularity and the risk of efforts fizzling out into nothing.

House VII: The Lamb

  The Lamb is one of the more vague constellations, although the Octology--a closely gathered set of eight stars that comprise its tail--is relatively easy to identify.  
Solan SignLunan SignPhoban Sign
The sun in The Lamb indicates a the self-reliance of a free spirit.Lunas in The Lamb indicates the potential of great courage in the face of overwhelming odds.Phobas in The Lamb indicates the dangers of too easily falling into the role of the victim.

House VIII: The Thresher

  The Thresher takes the shape of an L, representing the general shape of the implement.  
Solan SignLunan SignPhoban Sign
The sun in The Thresher indicates fertility and patience.Lunas in The Thresher indicates the potential to change the world through persistent dedication to a single goal.Phobas in The Thresher indicates the danger of being overly slow to anger or resist.

House IX: The Hood

  In the center of The Hood is an unexplained dark space, an emptiness in the night sky that is immediately recognizable.  
Solan SignLunan SignPhoban Sign
The sun in The Hood indicates an ability to undergo great change or transformation and emerge for the better.Lunas in The Hood indicates the potential to change the world through death--either its presence or absence.Phobas in The Hood indicates the dangers of continuing to pour effort into futile pursuits.

House X: The Harp

  The Harp is a fairly vague constellation, more a scatter of stars upon which the strings can be drawn than anything evocative.  
Solan SignLunan SignPhoban Sign
The sun in The Harp indicates sensitivity and intelligence.Lunas in The Harp indicates the potential to change the world through the application of intelligence and insight.Phobas in The Harp indicates the risk of being, becoming, or growing too physically weak to complete a given task.

House XI: The Citadel

  The largest of the constellations, The Citadel may be recognized by the line of stars that form the semi-circle of its base or, a bit to the southeast, a trio of stars that represent the top of the tower.  
Solan SignLunan SignPhoban Sign
The sun in The Citadel indicates protectiveness and calm.Lunas in The Citadel indicates the potential to change the world through defensive and protective actions.Phobas in The Citadel indicates the dangers of being unwilling to give up deeply held resentments.

House XII: The Dragon

  The Dragon is a winding constellation, with its tail overlapping the bottom third of The Citadel.  
Solan SignLunan SignPhoban Sign
The sun in The Dragon indicates worldliness and an openness to the diversity of the world.Lunas in The Dragon indicates the potential to change the world through the development of a highly specific skill or power.Phobas in The Dragon indicates the presence of cowardice, no matter how deeply buried.

House XIII: The Gnoll

  The Gnoll centers around a cluster of stars that form its eyes, ears, and snout.  
Solan SignLunan SignPhoban Sign
The sun in The Gnoll indicates a strong desire to please others, as well as a deep pride.Lunas in The Gnoll indicates the potential to change the world through sheer force of personality.Phobas in The Gnoll indicates a tendency to over-confidence and impulsiveness: the insistence it will all work out fine, even in the face of certain knowledge otherwise.


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