
The dominant faith of the Avenian cultures.   Camylyn is a highly formal faith, full of ritual and fairly strict rules for its adherents.   It is predicated on a dualistic, almost Manichean outlook, where life is the product of the interaction of the two sides of the sacred. These two sides are embodied in two deities: Tinos and Korytin.   Note that, while theologically Tinos and Korytin are in some very abstract sense sense aspects of a single deity, there is, throughout Camylytic teachings, no name for, or even proper reference to, the unity they form. Understanding this takes some time, but they key is that Tinos and Korytin are not "different aspects of a singular truth." Instead, they are different truths that manifest independently, and whose interaction gives rise to the variety of experience.   This is the crux of The Wesian Unity, which claims that Tinos and Korytin represent an integrative whole. Still a relatively small movement, the Unity does represent the first major division within Camylyn since its early days.  

Tindic Camyl

  Tindic Camyl, the official name of the practice in Tindun, differs from Camylyn in very minor and technical ways. The most noticable to outsiders is in the liturgy, where a Camylytic church will speak of "Korytin and Tinos," while a Tindic church will mention "Tinos and Korytin."   There is virtually no animosity between the two schools, and they share training and ordination practices and locations as well, with initiates able to select where they are deployed based on their personal leanings towards one deity or the other.  

Camylytic Services


The Congregation

  Arranged in a cross surrounding the priest, the congregation must alternate males and females throughout. For congregations where this is impossible, the church maintains a set of highly detailed, dressed, and decorated mannequins that are used to maintain the proper visual order.  

Camylytic Clergy

  Priest of Camylyn are proficient with disguise kits.  

The Neyvs

  Neyvs are a collection somewhat similar to "saints," and are where most of the doctrinal battles in the faith occur. The range of positions are somewhat predictable:  
  • At one extreme, a hardline denial of the Neyvs as heretical, as they speak against the unity of Tinos and Korytin.
  • Some see the Neyvs as aspects of Tinos and Korytin, sort of more specialized manifestations of their presence.
  • Some see the Neyvs as elevated creatures, blessed by Tinos and Korytin and sent into The True Realms to do their bidding.
  • Finally, at the other extreme, some see the Neyvs as a crack in the strict (albeit complicated) monotheism of Camylyn, leading the faith towards a polytheistic future. These people tend to keep such thoughts to themselves.
  •   See Camylytic Neyvs for more detail.


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