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Mahadi is a denizen of Avernus, the first layer of the Nine Hells, where he serves as an interplanar merchant. His caravan of shopkeepers is known as the Wandering Emporium, but Mahadi's personal place of business is a restaurant and spa where he serves as proprietor and host.

Physical Description

Body Features

Mahadi has warm brown skin that shows the effects of long years spent plying his wares in the harsh wastelands of Avernus.

Facial Features

Mahadi's gentle eyes are perpetually squinty due to the fact that he almost never stops smiling. He keeps a medium-length beard of course dark-brown hair streaked with grey, and wears a bandanna over his hair.

Apparel & Accessories

Mahadi wears fine fabrics that reveal his wealth and station.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Through his connections with Asmodeus, Mahadi has earned a position of prominence within Avernus. His Wandering Emporium is one of the only merchant groups legally allowed to service the needs of the First Hell, and this arrangement has resulted in excellent profits for Mahadi. His position has also gained him a vast wealth of experience as a deal broker and negotiator, and many high ranking devils and demons frequent the Infernal Rapture in order to meet with representatives from the opposing side of the Blood War in peace—for a price, that is.   When the Antiheroes came to the Nine Hells, they met Mahadi under the pretext of fulfilling their friend Siaal's debt to him. Mahadi requested that they deliver a celestial creature named Lulu to a woman named Feonor somewhere on Avernus.

Gender Identity



Mahadi serves as the host and proprietor of the Infernal Rapture, and as the manager of the Wandering Emporium as a whole. High ranking devils and demons also employ his services as a negotiator and deal broker.


Mahadi does not tolerate any fighting or spellcasting within his Wandering Emporium, and those who violate this rule are quick to suffer his wrath.

Personality Characteristics

Personality Quirks

Mahadi has a special collection of named soul coins, each of which harbors the soul of an enemy he vanquished in the past. Mahadi consults with these souls individually, forcing them to provide insight on all manner of subjects.


Contacts & Relations

  • Asmodeus — Patron
  • Siaal — Fellow merchant and occasional trade partner

Social Aptitude

Mahadi is charming and friendly, treating each guest in the Wandering Emporium as if they are the most important person in his world.
by Wizards of the Coast
Lawful Evil
Current Location
Current Residence
Light brown and squinty, as if he never stops smiling
Course and colored somewhere between dark brown and light black, with large streaks of grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Warm brown
Known Languages
Common, Infernal
First Appearance
The Elephant in the Room (C1:E127)

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