Lionstone Settlement in Alendia | World Anvil


No city represents such power, influence, and superiority as Lionstone. The home of the Lion and all his humans will never fall, and if it does, they all fall with it.
Emiliano Beringer, leader of the Wizard's Guild in 5390 b. BF

Lionstone (dt. Löwenstein) is one of the largest, if not the largest city in Alendia. It is the capital of the Human Empire and officially declared as the capital of The New World. It stands on the continent of Ephea, laying in the Lion's Bay. It was the first settlement of humans and was always considered the capital of the Empire. It is home for not just humans, but creatures of many different races. Lionstone isn't just a city but a fortified metropolis at the same time, protecting the king and throne of The Human Empire. With a population of around 230000, it is the most populous city in Alendia and is a symbol of power.  


Spatial Location

Lionstone stands on the east coast of central Ephea, in Lion's Bay. Lion's Channel crosses the city entirely and the outskirts of Lionstone reach Lion's Lake and beyond. The land Lionstone is built on is relatively flat and very fertile, perfectly suited for agriculture.  


Lionstone is located in the moderate climate zone, the temperatures reaching from 0°C in winter to 28°C in summer on average. The wind is coming from the southeast, resulting in high precipitation, mostly in form of rainfall, especially in the summer months.  


The core area (the area inside the outer city wall) of Lionstone measures around 35 square miles, populated by 230.000 humanoids. It can be divided into multiple different districts, details listed below in the district section. The outskirts of Lionstone beyond the outer wall cover an area of approximately 4000 acres. Lionstone has a classical, medieval, almost unstructured cityscape, contains about 900 noble houses, thousands of commercial buildings and merchant booths, and about a hundred different churches and chapels. The harbor of Lionstone is the largest in Ephea and is protected by a large navy guarding Lion's Bay. There are multiple castles and palaces all over Lionstone, mostly protected by a wall. Lionstone is kept by multiple security forces, including thousands of soldiers of the Empire's army and navy, about two thousand city guards, and a smaller group of security forces, called "Azuros", which have been deactivated recently.  




For details look up the Historical Events about Lionstone.
Lionstone was the first city of humans and was founded in 9819 b. BF. The number of humans rapidly grew and with that, the size of the city increased as well. In 9805 b. BF with the beginning of the skirmishes against the orcs, humans built the first wall of Lionstone around the city, but the city kept growing and had to be extended beyond the walls, resulting in building another wall in 9436 b. BF. This procedure was repeated a few more times and with that, multiple walls were surrounding different parts of Lionstone. The main castle in Lionstone changed its location over time as well, claiming the most optimal defensive spot within the territory of Lionstone. In 6519 b. BF the humans built the artificial Lion's Channel, connecting Lion's Lake with Lion's Bay, enabling ships to sail from the ocean over Lion's Lake, all the way up to the mountain range of Ephea.  


Lionstone is home to many Epheans , more precisely: humans of Lionstone. But due to its size and role as capital of the New World, many other creatures of other races can be found living in Lionstone. In 20 b. BF the census was as follows:
  • Humans: 51%
  • Halflings: 12%
  • Half-Elves: 11%
  • Elves: 10%
  • Dwarves: 6%
  • Gnomes: 3%
  • Dragonborn: 2%
  • Half-Orcs: 2%
  • Others: 3%


The The Pantheon of the Twelve-Gods is the most popular belief in Lionstone and the only official religion. Some individuals respect the old pantheon of Faerun, especially Clerics, Paladins, and other people with professions, which involve dieties. However, especially people living outside the walls in the outskirts might honor different dieties. Such 'paganism' was illegal most of the time, but with King Lawrence Brimstone claiming the throne of Lionstone, a new era of tolerance and variety started, allowing people to honor whatever diety they want. However, the church of the sun and the other two big churches from the Twelve God Pantheon are trying to keep other beliefs relatively low to ensure their power and influence.  



Lionstone is ruled by the King of all Humans. The King appoints key roles like judges, administrators, commanders of security forces, and even governors for single districts. Additionally, the three churches have big enough of an influence on the government as well.  

Law & Order

The City Watch is the local security and police force of Lionstone whose duty it was to settle petty disputes, capture criminals, and ensure public order. Additionally, they control travel and migration, keeping note of people crossing the city borders and guard the walls of Lionstone. In case of an attack or other bigger issues threatening the security of the city, the City Watch can be reinforced by the soldiers of the army and navy, idling in Lionstone. The City Watch is divided into different squadrons, each of them responsible for different tasks or locations. The Azuros were a private security force of emperor Azur. They were known for direct and martial methods and were the perfect tool for emperor Azur to keep the city controlled and in his iron grip. The main task of the Azuros was to find criminals and get rid of them and they also helped to execute the great decimation in 6432 b. BF. Nowadays the Azuros have been deactivated from King Laurence, who wasn't compliant with the partly borderline illegal methods of the Azuros.  


Three layers of strong walls surround the core of Lionstone, equipped with mangonels, ballista, or other siege weapons with a high range, watched over by the City Watch, a group of about two thousand well-trained guards. As mentioned above, the main task of the City Watch is to ensure Law and Order. In case of an attack on Lionstone, the guards are perfectly suited to defend the city. Additionally, many soldiers and veterans of the armies of humans live and Lionstone. These forces can easily be mobilized to reinforce the defense of the city.
Like most other large cities of the humans, Lionstone has some squadrons specialized in the defense of the city. The Demigriffon Cavalry serves as a quick force, enabling the city to execute fast counter charges or to destroy stationary siege weapons outside of the city walls. Humans were one of the first races to perfect horseback riding, and due to the wealth of Lionstone, the city was able to even put up a squad of Demigriffon Cavalry. Another important part of Lionstone's defenses is the Noble Guard. These elite infantry soldiers were mainly used in the past to defend the most important parts of the city, like the King's Fortress, the noble district, and the harbor district.
About a dozen of spellcasters protect Lionstone with a magical force shield, absorbing incoming projectiles or magical attacks. They also deal with monster attacks or similar rare, but devastating cases. Usually, these spellcasters are part of the Wizard's Guild and serve Lionstone as researchers or teachers.
The first navy of Lionstone protects Lion's Bay. It is one of the largest naval units of humans and watches over the whole bay, forming coordinated chain-like structures. The first navy has about 50 ships, many of them with catapults or other siege weapons, and some of them even use the newly discovered modern gunpowder for canons.
Aside from this, there are other units, like Rondra's watch, retired veterans, adventurers, or even mercenaries, that are often willing to defend Lionstone for different reasons. However, these forces are not considered official defensive units, because of the lack of potential training and reliability.
Many other cities of humans have a similar defensive structure:
  • Some kind of a fortification, mostly a wall or palisade
  • A good number of infantry soldiers as core
  • At least one squadron of cavalry
  • Sometimes some kind of special unit of elite soldiers
  • Often at least one spellcaster or magic-user
  • 'Unofficial' warriors
Characters in Location


Region: Central Ephea
Area: 35 sq-miles
Aliases: King's City, The Lion's seat, City of Rondra, Crown of the Lion


Government: Classical Monarchy
Ruler: King of Humans
  • Humans: 51%
  • Halflings: 12%
  • Half-Elves: 11%
  • Elves: 10%
  • Dwarves: 6%
  • Gnomes: 3%
  • Dragonborn: 2%
  • Half-Orcs: 2%
  • Others: 3%
Religion: The Pantheon of the Twelve-Gods , Church of the sun, The three churches
Population: 230.000

  • 9819 b BF

    The Founding of Lionstone

    In 9819 b. BF the first humans of Alendia settle on the east coast of Ephea and found the city of Lionstone. Only a few hundred of them, including Rondra himself were part of the first state of the city.

  • 9805 b BF

    The first reinforcements
    Construction beginning/end

    Due to the skirmishing tribes of orcs, attacking and pillaging the land around Lionstone, the humans start to build fortifications and surround Lionstone with a provisory wooden palisade, which later was reinforced and transformed into the first wall of Lionstone.

  • 9700 b BF

    The embassies of Lionstone
    Diplomatic action

    After gathering allies around 9700 b. BF, the humans decide to send ambassadors and construct embassies for foreign ambassadors. At first, there was only the dwarven and elven embassy. In 7916 b. BF, the embassies were restructured and enlarged. King Julius attempts the way of diplomacy, constructing more embassies, even one for the hated archfoe, the orcs. But just a few years later after the breach of all honesty, the embassies become obsolete and are used for other purposes, for example as barracks or an operation point for the Trader's Guild. In 1950 b. BF, in the era of resistance, the humans constructed a general embassy, a place for all foreign ambassadors. And only in 0 BF, after King Laurence claiming the throne, an embassy for every single race is separately constructed within the borders of Lionstone.

  • 9700 b BF

    Migration from Lionstone
    Population Migration / Travel

    Being able to control more territory around Lionstone and further beyond, some smaller groups of humans emigrate from the city and settle nearby. That way more cities like Birkenbach, Dotzen, and Löwenmähne were founded nearby.

  • 9630 b BF

    Gathering of the Trader's Alliance
    Gathering / Conference

    Very early in the history of Lionstone, many merchants gathered in the city. After the humans gathering allies in 9700 b. BF, for example, the dwarves in the northwest and elves in the east, the merchants unite and form some kind of a Trader's alliance, maximizing their profit and keeping monopoles to themself. The alliance rapidly grows and is one of the main factors of the quick rise of Lionstone and its wealth.

  • 9436 b BF

    The second wall of Lionstone
    Construction beginning/end

    With the war between humans and orcs still raging and the borders of Lionstone rapidly spreading, the humans construct another wall around the new borders of the city.

  • 9054 b BF

    Rise of the church of the sun and the other chruches of the Twelve
    Religious event

    With Rondra's death and the official declaration of him being the new god of humans, the church of the sun quickly emerges as the official church of Rondra. The number of followers rapidly grows, resulting in the construction of churches and chapels in Lionstone.
    Later in 8801 b. BF, after adding Turis and Saytho to the Pantheon of the Twelve-Gods, the humans constructed churches for them as well. The influence and wealth of the three churches were very big. In 8770 b. BF, the church of the sun hires its own private army, the so-called "Rondra's Watch", to protect the journals of Rondra and ensure loyalty among the citizens.

  • 8662 b BF

    Gathering of the White Robes
    Gathering / Conference

    Mighty wizards from all over the world gather in Lionstone. It is to said, that they found a powerful source of magic in Lionstone, which however never has been discovered. Staying close to these powerful winds of magic, the magicians found a wizard guild, called 'The White Robes'. It quickly rises and nowadays is one of the largest wizard guilds in Alendia. The main focus of the guild is research and investigation, but they also provide teaching services and train young apprentices.

  • 8619 b BF

    8472 b BF

    Hunting the Nameless
    Military action

    Rondra's Watch, the army of the church of the sun starts hunting down followers of the Nameless. For some reason, the numbers of these unlawful believers rose significantly large. The church of the sun decides to put an end to this and sends out Rondra's Watch to get rid of the heretics. Eventually, they can destroy the institution and the remaining believers retreated into the underground. The church of the sun doesn't bother with that any longer, glad to expel the Ravenchruch from the surface, but the remaining believers settled there and started to construct a small undercity with the help of the Skuttlers. The area of the undercity of Lionstone is by far not as large as the city itself and the entrance points are hidden and secret. The undercity is seen as a separate district with unique laws and orders.

  • 8231 b BF

    Splitting of society
    Civil action

    With the number of nobles growing over the years, they decide to separate and not interfere with the "normal" non-noble humans. They claim the southern part of the city and settle there, forming the first noble district, close to the fortress of Lionstone.

  • 7914 b BF

    The harbor district
    Construction beginning/end

    The human Empire, having conquered most of the land in Ephea, prepares to expand to new continents. Therefore King Barkun decides to improve the harbor with all its shipyards, which results in a huge restructuring of Lionstone. Almost the entire coast is transformed into moorings, landing stages, or shipyards, forming one of the largest harbors in Alendia. With this harbor district, the Empire is able to rapidly increase its number of ships and prepares to cross the ocean.

  • 7600 b BF

    The great arena
    Construction beginning/end

    With the sheer overflow of enslaved creatures, the Empire constructs the great arena (and also smaller versions of the arena) with the goal to arrange slave and show fights. Only in 0 BF after the ban of slavery, the arena's are used as theaters or sporting events.

  • 6519 b BF

    6518 b BF

    Lion's Channel
    Construction beginning/end

    Humans constructed Lion's Channel, one of the first artificial water streets in whole Alendia, connecting Lion's Lake with the ocean. The construction lasted only a year, which is remarkably quick, considering the channel reaching over multiple miles. Lion's Channel is a huge economical achievement, enabling ships and traders to sail all the way up to the mountain range of Ephea.

  • 6438 b BF

    6432 b BF

    Lionstone in Flames
    Criminal Activity

    Over the years, more and more resistance against the Empire started to rise, not just in the outskirts and colonies but also in Lionstone as well. The result was multiple assaults, small rebellions, but most remarkably a great arson in Alendia, burning down a big part of the noble district. These kinds of protests are shut down at 13. Rondra 6432 b BF with the so-called "Great Decimation".

  • 4387 b BF

    Palace of aristocrats
    Construction beginning/end

    With the beginning of the first aristocracy of humans, the nobles wanted to distance themselves from the traditional monarchy and constructed the palace of aristocrats, right at Lion's Channel. Different from many fortresses and castles in Lionstone, the palace has no defensive value and has only been build to express the noble's wealth and power.

  • 4386 b BF

    4359 b BF

    Rise of the rogue guild
    Criminal Activity

    With the sudden end of the first aristocracy, Lionstone falls into a status of chaos for a few years. The city watch is needed to ensure public order on the streets or to protect public discussions on what to do with the government of Lionstone. Therefore many rogues, thieves, and other shady people are able to gather and unite in the so-called rogue guild. They use the poor district as an operation and meeting point and abuse the status of chaos for a historical strike. With the lack of protection around the noble district, they manage to steal a lot of goods and valuables, just like money. The biggest heist goes down in history as the theft of Rondra's journals. The rogue guild confesses all the heists, making the city known of their presence. Despite the city watch looking for the operation base of the rogue guild, they manage to survive and prevail, probably retreating into the underground as well.

  • 4341 b BF

    Recovery of Rondra's journals
    Discovery, Exploration

    18 years after the theft of Rondra's journals, Rondra's Watch finds and recovers them. The church of the sun decides to move this sacred relic elsewhere, out of reach for the rogues guild. The journals are brought to Rondrarien in Lusitania, and with that, the center of the church of the sun leaves Lionstone. It is the first time of separating the seat of Rondra's church and the throne of Lionstone.

  • 3028 b BF

    The third wall of Lionstone
    Construction beginning/end

    Once again humans surround the extended borders of Lionstone with the third wall of the city. It is the outer wall of Lionstone, protecting what's nowadays known as the 'core' of Lionstone. The outskirts extended further but aren't protected by another wall.

  • 1984 b BF

    1979 b BF

    Siege of Lionstone
    Military action

    Lionstone has been sieged many times, especially by orcs in the early years. But the siege 1984-1979 b. BF goes down in history as the Siege of Lionstone. With the forces of resistance strengthening, they eventually attempted to siege the capital of the Empire. Within five years they managed to significantly damage the outer layers of Lionstone but never managed to reach deeper or conquer the city entirely. Lion's Bay serving as a natural defense, combined with the Empire's strong navy ensured protective paths on the ocean and the army and magicians of Lionstone were able to fight back any assaults and infiltrations. However, the Siege of Lionstone is a symbol for all resistance fighters, that even mighty forces like the Empire can bleed.

  • 2 BF

    Council of Nations
    Diplomatic action

    King Laurence arranges the Council of Nations, a yearly meeting of all big nations, gathering in Lionstone and discuss major, global decisions. It is an attempt at global cooperation and tolerance for each other.

  • 17 BF

    A sign from Phex
    Criminal Activity

    In 17 BF, a big heist on the treasury of Lionstone happens. The methods resemble these from the great heists around 4380 b. BF, however, this time no person or guild makes up a big confession for it. This event is seen as 'A sign from Phex', a sign of hope for all rogues that even something impossible like stealing from the treasury is possible.