The Human Empire Organization in Alendia | World Anvil

The Human Empire

The Human Empire is the territory ruled and administrated by all Humans. Officially it existed from the 1st of Talvin 9053 b. BF up to this day. Currently, it is the largest empire in Alendia, stretching from the flatlands of Ephea to the countries in Lusitania. Although the Human Empire is considered the home of all humans, there might be provinces and countries, which don't count themselves as a component of it.


Traditionally, the history of the Human Empire can be divided into the following different phases:
  1. Rondra's Empire: From 9819 b BF to the 14th of Ker 9054 b. BF
  2. The Human Kingdom: From the 1st of Talvin 9053 b. BF to 7914 b. BF
  3. The first Human Empire (also known as the Human Tyranny): From 7914 b. BF to 7361 b. BF
  4. The Great Human Empire: From 7361 b. BF to 2005 b. BF
  5. The Human Empire: From 2005 b. BF to today
Since most Humans consider themselves part of the Human Empire, the history of the Human Empire is very similar to the History of the Humans. However, the first phase "Rondra's Empire" is officially not part of its history. It rather is the starting and founding point, the prologue for the Human Empire and therefore is often also called "The zeroth phase of the Human Empire".  


The Humans settled at the eastern coast of Ephea in a deep protected bay, founding the city of Lionstone. From 9819 b. BF to 9054 b. BF, Rondra was their leader and took care to expand the borders of the human territory, quickly claiming areas around the capital. The humans expanded to the south and the west because rumors said that The Elder Dragon The Fire was destroying the northern lands of Ephea. The largest expansion of the borders went beyond the border between Ephea and Drakthir, however, the Humans weren't able to hold the territory in the latter.
In the official first phase, the time of the Human Kingdom, the kings focussed on expansions to the north. The defenses of the orcs were insurmountable and the ocean was too wild to cross. This expansion caused multiple losses in the west, which were reclaimed in the third holy expedition. On the other hand, the iron line in the north was defending against the dragon and pushed it further and further back.
The second phase counts as the most treacherous phase. With King Barkun claiming the throne, he nullified all alliances and other non-aggression agreements and started to invade the dwarves in Ephea and Elves in Durarin. Additionally, the humans looked for a way to calm the sea. Eventually in 7409 b. BF, dieties, the old goddess of the sea sacrificed herself and the sea was calmed.
This lead to the 3rd phase, the Great Human Empire. 7361 b. BF, the Human Empire pushed the borders further and further, conquering Islands and the whole continent of Lusitania. In this phase, the Human Empire reached the peak of its territorial expansion, spreading from Ephea over parts of Durarin and the Mitractulum to the whole continent of Lusitania, spanning about 1 million square miles. Due to this outrageous size, the Great Human Empire slowly crumbled due to administration issues and rising civilian disobedience, eventually resulting in the so-called Elvish Revolution in 2005 b. BF.
This revolution was the starting point of the Empire losing provinces, colonies, and territories at a rapid speed. The elves in Durarin just like the dwarves in Ephea managed to reclaim their independence and the Empire was forced to retreat to the flatlands in Ephea. Only the colonies in Lusitania stayed true to the Empire. In 0 BF, King Lawrence declared peace with almost all factions. The dominion of the Human Empire nowadays spans about 630000 square miles.  


The government of the Human Empire changed over the years, from classical monarchies, absolutism, tyrannies, empires, one aristocracy, and back to monarchies again. Nowadays the Human Empire is led by the King of Lionstone. The human Empire contains 40 ephean provinces and eight countries/colonies in Lusitania. Each province and country has more or less its own administrative ruler mostly earls, counts, or kings, however, all of them are subordinated to the King of Lionstone. In very rare extreme situations, the King of Lionstone can dismiss these rulers and assign a more fitting person to this place. This rule was used very frequently in the first Human Empire and the Great Human Empire, to ensure loyalty amongst all parts of the dominion. Nowadays, this rule is only used if a province threatens to violate the most general norms and rules of the Human Empire.  

The throne of Lionstone

The highest seat, the place of the most powerful mortal in the empire of Humans and whole Ephea might be the throne of Lionstone. It is the throne of all humans and is claimed by the rightful ruler. There are strict rules and traditions made up by humans' very first kings and emperors to ensure the line of succession.
  1. The king of Lionstone is the highest ruler of all humans, a representative of Rondra and his heir, and the highest judge.
  2. The king forfeits his right to the throne either in death or if he chooses so voluntarily.
  3. The right to the throne is inherited by the first son of the officiating king. If there is no such heir, the right to the throne is transposed to the closest male family member to the king.
  4. If the next male family member is further than five degrees away from the officiating king, he can decide that the throne is temporarily claimed by his oldest daughter. In that case, the right of the throne is transposed to her husband, once the marriage is done. Traditionally these marriages are arranged rather quickly, the husband being either a distant relative or influential nobleman and the marriage is arranged before the officiating king forfeits the right to the throne.
These rules are defined to ensure the persistence of the bloodline of Rondra and to prevent the throne from falling into non-worthy hands. The claimer of the throne is allowed to use sovereigns or noblemen to administrate different regions of the human empire. Especially the thrones of the eight colonies in Lusitania follow similar rulings of inheritance.
The only human provinces unaffected by the ruler of Lionstone are Freeland andNornuria.  


The Human Empire is one of the richest geopolitical forces in Alendia. Due to its immense size and a refined banking system, the trade inside the borders of the empire grew and prospered over the years. The Human Empire holds many monopolies over certain resources and therefore can decide over its pricing. Already in 9630 b. BF, the Trader's Alliance helped to advance the trade of commodities in and outside the borders of the empire. The Trader's Alliance is a broad network of traders, which gathered and formed an alliance to cooperate and adjust prices to their favor. Today, the influence of the Trader's Alliance, that every trader or merchant is almost forced to join that alliance, no matter their race. Otherwise, the alliance can impose sanctions or sabotage the business of the independent traders. The Trader's Alliance is a part of the Human Empire and therefore enables the latter to control trading within and outside the borders of the Empire, even if neither of both trading parties is the Empire itself. However, King Lawrence reduced the influence of this alliance enough to allow independent traders to run their businesses without getting threatened. Due to the large size of the Empire, it is almost independent of any other factions, able to produce the most important goods and commodities themself.  


The flatlands of Ephea and some colonies in Lusitania are suitable for diverse agriculture. The ground in the ephean provinces is used to grow grain, corn, and native fruits and vegetables like onions, potatoes, beets cabbage, apples, many diverse berries (and many more). On the other hand, the colonies further in the south are used to grow rather exotic things like oranges, pineapples, but most importantly sugar cane, cocoa, cotton, and tobacco. Another important part of agriculture in the Human Empire is livestock and fishing.  


The Human Empire claims just hills and small mountains in Ephea. When the Empire attacked and conquered big parts of the Mountain Ranges it came to literal exploitation of iron, silver, salt, and other mineral resources. After conquering the continent of Lusitania, the Human Empire found rich ore deposits in the mountain ranges and deserts of Lusitania.  


Humans are excellent craftsmen. Only dwarves are considered equally skillful or better than them, especially considering blacksmiths. However, the Empire realized very quickly that only a strong foundation can carry a large uprising Empire. Therefore the education of craftsmen is really meticulous and high-quality. Human cities are known to have many workshops, like blacksmiths, leatherworkers, jewelers, constructed, builders, tailors, metal workers, and many more. Because of superior planning and crafting, many human cities are technologically advanced compared to cities of creatures of other races. Most human cities have a refined network of sewerage and water pipes. The streets within and outside the borders of a city are very stable and are maintained at least once in two years. This allows travelers, traders, but also common folk and military forces to travel quickly.  


This sector was especially prospering in times of the Human Kingdom. It includes banks, doctors, but also education. After 7914 b. BF, the Human Empire focussed rather on the military and rather neglected that sector. This resulted in the Trader's Alliance taking over and controlling the banking system of the Empire. However, King Lawrence makes big efforts to nationalize these institutions and supports education and the public health system.  


Slaves were an important part of the economy of the Human Empire from 7914 b. BF to 0 BF. Especially after conquering the continent of Lusitania, the Human Empire took so many prisoners, that they couldn't manage to accommodate them all as slaves. That was the starting point of the slave-trading agreements with the Drow. Only in 0 BF, King Lawrence forbid trading and holding slaves.  


The flag of the Human Empire shows a golden lion and four golden stars on a red and white background. Red represents loyalty and power, while white stands for infinity and immortality. The lion is a symbol for Rondra and the classical heraldic animal for humans. The four stars initially represented the four gods of the Four Quarter Pantheon. Nowadays they represent justice, strength, loyalty, and wealth.


Dominion: Ephean flatlands (40 provinces, Isle of Fire, Xedan Islands) and Lusitania (8 countries/colonies)
Largest dominion: Ephea, Lusitania, parts of the Mitractulum, western Durarin (around 7300 b BF)
Capital: Lionstone 
Current Area: 630.000 sq-miles
Aliases: The Great Human Empire, Rondra's Empire, the Human Kingdom


Government: Classical Monarchy, Federalism
  • Humans (84%)
  • Halflings (4%)
  • Half-Elves (4%)
  • Elves (3%)
  • Dwarves (2%)
  • Gnomes (1%)
  • Yuan-Ti (1%)
  • Others (1%)
Religion: The Pantheon of the Twelve-Gods
Population: 63 million
Geopolitical, Empire

Cover image: The Human Empire by Nathan Chenaux
Character flag image: Flag of the Human Empire by Lucimon