Rambaldi's Journal

Found with clues from:  
  • The San Lazzaro Sketches
  • The Golden Sun
  • The Donato Clock
  Rambaldi's journal, is mostly written in cipher. Some passages are in Italian. Hidden by The Guild of Orvieto after Rambaldi's death, in a remote South American crypt.  

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Page 2: Rambaldi refers to the "100 segments"   Page 47: Blank. Readable only by revealing the writing with the Ampule of LIquid. Contains The Prophecy on Page 47.


The journal was stolen from Sydney by Anna Espinosa, and later, Julian Sark negotiates with K-Directorate on behalf of The Man to exchange the journal for 100 million dollars. K-Directorate declines, and Sark kills the leaders of the organization. He eventually obtains the journal from what is left of the K-Directorate leadership team.   Sydney steals the journal before the exchange between K-Directorate and The Man can be completed. She takes photographs of the entire document. The original journal is with the Alliance, the photographs are with the CIA.   Note that the original Page 47 is with the CIA.  


The journal was examined and is apparently an instruction manual of some kind. Among other things, it refers to a single construction. Some of the text is in Italian, but most of it is in code. A code that is difficult to break.