The Circumference - Document

Document originally owned by Irina Derevko for which she sought (through her agents) the Ampule of LIquid to decipher.


This document was the focus of a power struggle between The Man, the CIA, and The Alliance of Twelve.   It could only be read with the liquid in an Ampule of LIquid, and it wasn't until Jack Bristow stole the vial from the CIA vaults and Sydney Bristow stole the document from The Alliance of Twelve that the document could be read. They made a copy of this document, and then gave the original to Julian Sark in exchange for Will Tippen.


A page of text written by Milo Rambaldi describing the design of The Circumference. It was viewable only when the page is revealed with a special Rambaldi-manufactured liquid.
Item type
Book / Document